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Academic Council

The Academic Council consists of 5 academic staff, 3 students, and the dean. Additionally, 3 technical/administrative staff take part in handling non-academic matters which are relevant to the development of the faculty, its organisation, and finances. In handling academic matters, the technical/administrative staff members have observer status. 

Academic staff representatives

  • Jakob Christensen-Dalsgaard, associate professor, Department of Biology
  • Jan O. Jeppesen, professor, Department of Physics, Chemistry and Pharmacy
  • Nils J. Færgeman, professor, Department of Biochemistry Molecular Biology
  • Rolf Fagerberg, professor, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
  • Stefan Vogel, associate professor, Department of Physics, Chemistry and Pharmacy

Student representatives

  • Alexander Degner
  • Isak Juhl Nielsen
  • Louise Willumsen

Technical/administrative staff representatives

  • Heidi Grøn Jensen, laboratory technician, Department of Biology
  • Peter Bækgaard Madsen, outreach coordinator, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
  • Sanne Lindgaard Hedemann, laboratory technician, Department of Physics, Chemistry and Pharmacy


Marianne Holmer


Sabine Gantzhorn Hildebrand

Meetings in 2024

  • 21 February
  • 23 April
  • 14 June
  • 24 September
  • 7 November
  • 16 December

Underlying rules

The Danish Universities Act contains the general rule that a university must have a number of academic councils, as well as general principles for how the members are elected.

Read the Danish Universities Act (in Danish)

The statutes for the University of Southern Denmark contains rules on the election and operation of academic councils.

Download the university statutes (pdf)

The rules of procedure regulate the formal framework for the work of the Academic Council.

Read the rules of procedure of the Academic Council

Last Updated 20.08.2024