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PhD thesis defense: Autonomous Service Drones for Safety-Compliant European Operations

Picture of the people involved with defending the PhD

We are very happy to congratulate Kristian Husum Laursen on his successful PhD defenseon “Autonomous Service Drones for Safety-Compliant European Operations” on the 17th of March 2023.

Kristian will continue his employment at SDU UAS Center in a translational postdoc as part of the Spin-Outs Denmark one-year programme.

Find the PhD thesis here: Autonomous Service Drones for Safety-Compliant EuropeanOperations.

Photo: Supervisors and evaluation committee (from left): Ulrik Pagh Schultz Lundquist(SDU), Anders Madsen (Trafikstyrelsen), Kristian Husum Laursen(SDU), Henrik Skov Midtiby(SDU), Kjeld Jensen(SDU) og Charles Lesire (ANITI).

Editing was completed: 17.03.2023