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PhD course: Getting started on your teaching

Read more and sign up for the PhD Course: Getting started on your teaching

Course content

The course is organized as workshops, where the participants will actively work with planning teaching sessions based on formulating learning objectives and applying and developing learning actives. The participants will be introduced to theories of learning and teaching and how to align learning objectives and learning activities. Furthermore, participants will have the opportunity to test some teaching skills through different exercises and activities during the course days.

Participants must expect to spend time on some preparation before and between the course modules.


The participant will gain insights into curriculum planning, hereunder the use of constructive alignment and formulating learning objectives, and in addition be able to choose from and apply different learning activities.
The participant will be able to plan and conduct teaching session for both smaller and larger classes
The participant will be able to receive feedback and use it to further develop his/her teaching

After the course, the participant can: 


  • identify learning theoretical approaches
  • explain constructive alignment


  • formulate learning objectives
  • plan learning activities


  • develop teaching based on received feedback
  • identify and develop strengths and challenges as a teacher

Further information

This course is for PhD students only and may count for 2 ECTS points, if approved by your Faculty.
The course may NOT be included as an open course in the Lecturer Training Programme. 

Duration and dates

Course in Danish:
Module 1:  7 February 2023, 09:00-16:00
Module 2:  21 February 2023, 09:00-15:00

Course in English:
Module 1:  18 April 2023, 09:00-16:00 
Module 2:  25 April 2023, 09:00-15:00

Registration deadline

24 January 2023

For more information and registration, click here for the Danish course and here for the English course.

Editing was completed: 25.04.2023