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How to apply for enrolment

Enrolment with employment

If you are applying for enrolment with employment as a PhD student, you can find available fellowships.

This form of enrolment is the most frequent at the PhD School.

If you have questions about the recruitment procedure, you can contact Human Resource services.

Enrolment without employment

If you are applying for enrolment without employment as a PhD student, you must fill in the PhD School’s application form.

Please note that the annual application deadline is on 1 October. After this date, the received applications will be processed and you can expect a reply in November or December.

Your application and relevant appendices must be sent to or

Read more about the application procedure.


Please note that enrolment without employment at SDU presupposes that the expenses for the PhD programme are financed in another way. Typically by you as a PhD student or by an external grantor, such as your employer as a PhD student.

In connection with cooperation between e.g. public institutions or private partners and the PhD School regarding (co)financing of PhD courses, a formalised cooperation agreement must be entered into between all parties.

Read more about cooperation agreements.  

Instructions for preparing project descriptions

Here you will find instructions for preparing project descriptions

More info

Last Updated 22.05.2024