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Ongoing projects

'The Initial Encounter – Child-friendly encounters for children becoming patients'

PI: Sunniva Olsen (Ph.D. Stud.)

Research Group: Malene Beck, Anne Brødsgaard, Vibeke Steenfeldt, Michael van Manen

'BODY POSSIBLE – The role and significance of the body for young people with Type 1 Diabetes'

PI: Lene Munch (Post.Doc)

Research Group: Malene Missel, Annette Korsholm, Malene Boas, Michael van Manen

'SHARE – Experiences of bereaved parents participating in hospital-initiated support groups'

PI: Malene Beck

Research Group: Malene Beck, Malene Missel, Heidi Bergenholz, Michael van Manen

Last Updated 25.03.2024