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Forskningsenhed for Ortopædkirurgi

Nyeste publikationer fra Ortopædkirurgisk Forskningsenhed 

  1. Abildgaard, K. R., Buxbom, P., Rahbek, O., Gottliebsen, M., Gundtoft, P. H., Viberg, B., & Brorson, S. (2024). Is casting of displaced paediatric distal forearm fractures non-inferior to reduction under general anaesthesia? Study protocol for a pragmatic, randomized, controlled non-inferiority multicentre trial (the casting trial). Trials, 25, Artikel 420.


  2. Abrahamsen, C., Dall-Hansen, D., Igelski, M. T., Schober, T.-L., & Jensen, C. M. (2024). Transitioning from hospital to home after a major lower extremity amputation: Interview study on patients’ and relatives’ perspectives. International Journal of Orthopaedic and Trauma Nursing, 54, Artikel 101103.


  3. Beagan, L., Bang, L. L., Pettersen, J. S., Grønnemose, R. B., Foertsch, S., Andersen, T. E., & Ding, M. (2024). Fucoidans from Laminaria hyperborea demonstrate bactericidal activity against diverse bacteria. Journal of Applied Phycology, 36(4), 2199-2208.


  4. Brix, A. T. H., Rubin, K. H., Nymark, T., Schmal, H., & Lindberg-Larsen, M. (2024). Mortality after major lower extremity amputation and association with index level: a cohort study based on 11,205 first-time amputations from nationwide Danish databases. Acta Orthopaedica, 95, 358–363.


  5. Gustafsson, A., Rölfing, J. D., Palm, H., Viberg, B., Grimstrup, S., & Konge, L. (2024). Setting proficiency standards for simulation-based mastery learning of short antegrade femoral nail osteosynthesis: a multicenter study. Acta Orthopaedica, 95, 275-281.


  6. Hasfeldt, D., Højberg Holm, J., Lindberg-Larsen, M., & Overgaard, S. (2024). Sense of coherence as a predictor for patients' quality of recovery after total hip or knee arthroplasty - A descriptive cohort study. International Journal of Orthopaedic and Trauma Nursing, 54, Artikel 101099.


  7. Kornvig, S., Kehlet, H., Jørgensen, C. C., Fink-Jensen, A., Videbech, P., Lindberg-Larsen, M., Gromov, K., Rasmussen, M. B., Bieder, M. J., & Varnum, C. (2024). Psychopharmacological treatment in patients planned for hip or knee replacement. Basic and Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology, 135(1), 52-59.


  8. Krarup, L. H., Holsgaard-Larsen, A., Rasmussen, H. M., Kyed, S. Ø., & Pawlowski, C. S. (2024). How best to support parents in the management of standing frame usage in home settings: A mixed methods study. Child: Care, Health and Development, 50(5), e13310.


  9. Mayr, M. F., Siegel, M., Taghizadeh, E., Obid, P., Schmal, H., & Izadpanah, K. (2024). Prediction of the Hamstring Graft Size for ACL Reconstruction Using Different Axial Layers in Preoperative MRI. Journal of Personalized Medicine, 14(6), Artikel 582.


  10. Skare, K., Viberg, B., Hölmich, P., Kerr, S., & Kaldau, N. C. (2024). Cross-sectional study assessing sleep behavior and musculoskeletal symptoms in elite junior badminton athletes. Medicine (United States), 103(27), Artikel e38698.


  11. Skovgaard Jensen, J., Sørensen, A. S., Kruuse, C., Nielsen, H. H., Skov, C. D., Jensen, H. B., Buckwalter, M. S., Bojsen-Møller, J., Lambertsen, K. L., & Holsgaard-Larsen, A. (2024). The effect of robot-assisted versus standard training on motor function following subacute rehabilitation after ischemic stroke - protocol for a randomised controlled trial nested in a prospective cohort (RoboRehab). BMC Neurology, 24(1), 233.

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