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List of all employees at the Research unit of Nephrology (Odense).

KI, OUH, Research unit of Nephrology (Odense)

First name Last name Position Telephone Email
Claus  Bistrup  Clinical Professor   
Mette Boye  Boes  Ph.D. Fellow   
Ann-Maria  Gramkow  VIP   
Stine Louise  Høyer Finsen  VIP  +4565504907 
Jørgen Erik  Jensen  Clinical lector   
Lotte Borg  Lange  VIP   
Subagini  Nagarajah  Clinical lector   
Erik Bo  Pedersen  Clinical lector   
Hanne Agerskov  Pedersen  Professor   
Inge  Raadal Skov  VIP   
Martin  Tepel  Clinical Professor  +4565503755 
Helle Charlotte  Thiesson  Clinical lector   
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Last Updated 27.07.2024