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Research areas

In the Research Unit for Clinical Nursing, Department of Medicine (Køge), we work purposefully to strengthen care, treatment and transitions for the elderly patient with multi-morbidity at the Medical Department.

The Bridging Care program is the umbrella covering the nursing research in the Research Unit for Clinical Nursing, Medical Department, Køge.

The Bridging Care Program is designed to work with three major focus areas:

  • To improve transitions between hospital and home for older people with medical multi-morbidity and their relatives
  • To strengthen and support Discharge Nurse Coordinator’s work with transitions between hospital and home for older people with medical multi-morbidity
  • To identify risks for and to prevent unnecessary acute hospitalizations for older people with medical multi-morbidity

The Bridging Care Program is broadly supported by Afaf Meleis' Theory of Transitions, which describes the process and result of a transition between life phases, states, status, or a physical place, triggered by a change.

The Bridging Care Program is organized through a steering committee, consisting of managers from Zealand University Hospital and the affiliated municipalities (Køge, Roskilde, Stevns, Solrød, Faxe and Greve). In addition, we have an expert group, consisting of clinicians, researchers, patients and relatives, with experience of and knowledge about elderly patient with medical multi-disease.

The Research Unit for Clinical Nursing has two PhD projects underway from the Bridging Care Program

  • Identifying evidence to develop and test the feasibility of a patient-centered dialogue tool for elderly patients with multimorbidity to improve inclusion of their needs in discharge planning when discharged from hospital to home (Nurse, PhD student Sara Shamim)
  • To develop and test the feasibility of a Risk-prEdiction Model to Identify the risk of all-cause hospital admissioNs in elDerly patients with multi-morbidity (REMIND model) (Nurse, PhD student Nanna Winther Selmer)

Overview of our publications

InterReg-ØKS project – Bridging Safe Elderly Care

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Last Updated 27.07.2024