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Research areas

Our focus is on clinical research in order to optimize both the quality of treatment and the satisfaction and involvement of the patient in the treatment.

We aim to enhance surgical precision and stability in the treatment of orthognathic jaw movements as well as facial reconstruction after major traumas. We particularly focus on 3D simulation of jaw movements, development and adaptation of measurement techniques, and 3D X-ray analysis to determine whether the desired surgical or non-surgical outcome has been achieved.

Our ambition is to establish broad research collaborations with neighboring specialties such as Plastic Surgery and Ear, Nose, and Throat Surgery. We already have a well-established collaboration with Respiratory Center South regarding the treatment of complex sleep apnea patients.

We are part of the Steno Diabetes Center Odense (Specialized Dental Care Organization), where the emphasis will be on understanding the impact of dental infections and sleep apnea on optimizing the treatment of diabetic patients. Through clinical research, we aim to improve the effectiveness of clinical treatments and thereby increase patient satisfaction with the provided care.

Our clinical research focuses on improving surgical precision and stability in the treatment of orthognathic jaw movements as well as facial reconstruction after major traumas.

Overview of our publications

Last Updated 27.07.2024