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PhD Defence Birthe Marie Rasmussen, 23 January 2023

''Dementia education and work life of  nursing assistants in eldercare in Denmark: Self-efficacy in dementia care and influencing factors''

Main Supervisor: Pernille Tanggaard Andersen, Professor, Head of Research, Unit for Health Promotion Research, SDU.

Co-supervisor: Gabriele Berg-Beckhoff, Professor, Unit for Health Promotion Research, SDU

Frans Boch Waldorff, Clinical Professor, Section of General Practice, Department of Public Health, University of Copenhagen.

Members of the academic committee:

Birgitte Nørgaard, Associate Professor, Health Communication and User Involvement, Department of Public Health, SDU
Siren Eriksen, Professor, Aldring og helse. Natsjonal kompetensetjeneste, Norway
Marianne Varmosi, Associate Professor, Section for Nursing, Department of Public Health, Univeristy of Aarhus.

Editing was completed: 23.01.2023