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Prevention of occupational accidents in the fishery works

A new report from the Nordic cooperation project ViFAFiN: Measures in prevention of accidents in fishing in the Nordic countries

A number of structural measures, together with cultural changes, have led to a sharp reduction in the number of occupational accidents in the fishing industry. These are some of the results shown by a new report from the Nordic cooperation project ViFAFiN, supported by the Nordic Council of Ministers.

The report describes the evolution of the number of occupational accidents in the fisheries over the last 15 to 20 years for each of the Nordic countries, while highlighting the actions taken over the years to prevent the previous many occupational accidents.

A general feature of the different countries is that it is primarily legislation, technical safety measures and significant changes in safety standards in fisheries which are the main reason for the decline in occupational accidents in Nordic fisheries. However, with regard to Denmark, the close dialogue between fishermen and the Danish Fishermen’s Occupational Health Services has also contributed to the positive reduction. Training in safety and behavioral changes among fishermen - as well as widespread use of personal protective equipment - are other important explanations for the positive development.

Read the full report here.


Editing was completed: 23.03.2017