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New collaboration with Fredericia Maskinmesterskole

SDU enters a formal collaboration with Fredericia Maskinmesterskole

Lisa Loloma Froholdt, Head of Research and Senior Researcher at the Centre of Maritime Health and Society (CMSS), University of Southern Denmark has made a collaboration agreement on research and development with Resource Director Jens Færgemand Mikkelsen, Fredericia Maskinmesterskole (FMS).

The aim of the newly established collaboration agreement between CMSS and FMS is to increase collaboration within research and development. Resources will be used to develop mutual co-operation relations, e.g. through joint educational activities and research project collaborations.

The collaboration has already resulted in a research project idea in the field of green transition. Associate Professor Niels Tingleff Haastrup from FMS who has a Master’s degree in Environmental Law is particularly interested in working with this subject. Both Jens Færgemand Mikkelsen and Niels Tingleff Haastrup find the project very relevant in relation to the further development of the knowledge base in the subject "Ship propulsion" at FMS. Both FMS and CMSS already collaborate with DTU, AAU and the company Scoutbase in Svendborg. Lisa L. Froholdt is very happy to have brought about this agreement and looks forward to the further collaboration within such an important topic for the Blue Denmark.

As part of its 2020-2024 strategy plan, CMSS has already committed itself to the United Nations (UN) Sustainability Goal #4, Quality in Education. In continuation of this, the agreement will pay special attention to the UN Education 2030 Agenda1, which encourages all countries to offer Flexible Learning Paths (FLP) for their students. FLP can generate many advantages for maritime students regarding employment opportunities once they enter the labour market.

The co-operation agreement is completely in line with the many other activities that already take place in the maritime industry to secure the future of the profession, for instance The Danish Maritime Authority's focus on green shipping as well as the work carried out in Denmark's maritime cluster MARLOG2.

1 UNESCO The United Nations Education 2030 Agenda encourages all countries to develop well-articulated education systems that offer FLPs for their students. Providing multiple entry points to and progression routes between institutions, courses, or educational levels brings many benefits for individuals and society, particularly in terms of equity, employability, or efficiency in the management of resources.
2The maritime cluster organization MARLOG is Denmark's official cluster organization for the maritime industry and logistics sector and works to promote Denmark as a sustainable and innovative leading maritime and logistics powerhouse for the maritime industry and logistics. MARLOG works to promote increased competitiveness for the maritime industries and logistics through innovation, transformation, and competence development. MARLOG supports companies' green transition, digitalisation and access to knowledgeable employees. MARLOG must create value by acquiring knowledge, facilitating networks, and initiating new collaborations across the entire industry and relevant sectors.

Editing was completed: 12.07.2021