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Festival of Research 2015

Research at a children’s level and Pecha Kucha

Again this year, Centre of Maritime Health and Society (CMSS) took an active part in the Festival of Research in Esbjerg.

Communication stand targeted fifth form pupils from Esbjerg municipality

As in previous years, researchers from both CMSS and Health Promotion were present at UC Denmark to disseminate the research carried out at the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Southern Denmark in Esbjerg. The target group for the Festival of Research is the fifth forms in Esbjerg Municipality, so it was important that the research was presented at a children's level. The stand was decorated with colorful posters. Furthermore, there were equipment like helmets, earmuffs, safety clothing and shoes which the pupils could try on. To motivate the children to read the posters, a pools coupon was produced with a series of questions to which the answers were found on the posters. The winners were free to choose from the many nice SDU prizes such as bags and key hangers. The stand also featured a drawing contest where pupils could draw a picture visualizing what health means to them.

Forskningens Doegn 2015 1      Forskningens Doegn 2015 4       Forskningens Doegn 2015 3

Pecha Kucha

Along with eight other scientists from institutions of further education in the municipality, Lulu Hjarnø from CMSS gave a presentation on research Thursday, April 23 in Huset (the students' house) in Esbjerg. In her presentation, she introduced CMSS and a number of the Centre’s research projects. The presentation form is called Pecha Kucha and is a special way of presenting (20 x 20). The speaker has 20 slides, and he or she must use only 20 seconds to talk about each slide. The concept forces the presenter to stay close to the subject and to the point which results in an intense experience for the audience.

                               Forskningens Doegn 2015 Pecha Kucha

Editing was completed: 27.04.2015