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Statement from a thesis student at CMSS

Other tasks of CMSS Staff

Apart from research, the CMSS staff also contributes with teaching and coordination of teaching modules, supervision of bachelor students, master students, and PhD students as well as censor tasks , mainly at the Master of Science in Public Health programme at SDU. CMSS encourages students at all levels to consider “Blue Challenges” in planning of their thesis subjects.

Below you can read a personal statement from our latest thesis student:


By Mads Faurby Delcin

In the autumn of 2016, CMSS looked for a thesis student to do a project on the costs of repatriation of sick seafarers. Since I wanted to get better at the health economics methods, it was obvious for me to write a master's thesis about this topic, and I have not regretted it for one second. As a thesis student at CMSS, high expectations were placed on me, but at the same time I also got the opportunity to work with some highly competent and committed people. Writing a thesis is a long process and not ‘a bed of roses’, but from day one I met a lot of enthusiasm, and my supervisors were helpful far beyond what could be expected, which I have enjoyed as a student. I can highly recommend other students to write their mater's theses in collaboration with CMSS research unit.


Mads was awarded the top grade 12 for his efforts on the thesis. You can download and read his thesis in full here

Editing was completed: 06.07.2017