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Final report from the SADIS project

The 3rd and final report from the SADIS project has just been published

The project ‘Safety culture and reporting practice on Danish ships in the Danish International Ship Register’ (SADIS) has been finalised. The aim of the project was to identify differences in the rate of reported injuries among Danish seafarers and their foreign colleagues and also to explore its causes in order to direct future safety initiatives towards the relevant factors. The main hypothesis of the project was that such differences exist, and are caused not only by different reporting practices, but also by underlying differences in safety behavior. The quantitative part of the project is described in details in the final report. Using data from the last 3 years, the findings confirm that national differences in injury rates still exist and cannot be explained only by varying reporting practices. The results also point out a decreasing trend of discrepancy. Previously observed large differences in back injury rates are also verified; in addition, opposite differences in eye injury rates are first reported by this study as a new and unexpected finding. The qualitative investigations of the project were discussed in the two previous reports. The main findings about the causes of the differences in safety behavior are summarized and completed with four case reports in the final report. The gap-filling new information, which the project has provided, can be favorably used for promoting a decrease of discrepancy in injury rates, and for improving reporting practices.

You can read more about the SADIS project here.

Download the report 'Nationale forskelle i sikkerhed' in its full length here. Please note that the report is in Danish.

Editing was completed: 20.09.2013