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The MAR-DEI centre is a maritime knowledge center that contributes to initiatives and knowledge dissemination across the Danish maritime industry, with the goal of reducing harassment, sexual assault and sexual harassment (SASH), curbing bullying in the workplace and promoting Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI).

The Mar-DEI centre is established to address the needs outlined by the Center for Maritime Health and Society (CMSS)/University of Southern Denmark (SDU) research report by Froholdt et al. (2023)[1]. The MAR-DEI Centre provides independent (independent from authorities & companies) knowledge and support to seafarers sailing on Danish flagged vessels, interested companies, and stakeholders in the industry, relating to DEI, bullying, and SASH. It is an initiative that seeks to integrates safetyxcf and health in order to battle issues such as bullying, harassment and SASH, in line with calls for action by the International Labour Organisation (22.01.2024)[2].

It can be seen as a supplement to the newly announced initiatives[3][4] (and CMSS English translation[5]) that have been created by the industry partners in connection with the CMSS/SDU research report by Froholdt et al. (2023)[6].

MAR-DEI is a collaboration between CMSS/SDU and SIMAC. It will run for three years and after 2,5 years, the initiative will be evaluated to ascertain impact, relevance, and sustainability, 01.03.2024-28.02.2027. It will be launched on March 1st and officially announced at the European Maritime Day that will be held in Svendborg 30 and 31 May 2024.

The Centre has a three-fold approach; 1) Serving as an independent knowledge and data hub, 2) Providing a range of supporting roles, and 3) Ensuring capacity building.

The MAR-DEI Centre will contribute to creating a transparent, supportive, and uniform approach to addressing bullying, harassment and SASH within the Danish fleet, ultimately fostering a safer and healthier work environment that promotes DEI. This proactive approach not only addresses existing challenges but also empowers individuals with the knowledge and support needed to create a healthier and more respectful work environment where seafarers on Danish ships may thrive.

1. Serving as an independent knowledge and data hub

Knowledge: The MAR-DEI Centre will gather knowledge that will be made available for all seafarers, interested companies, and stakeholders in the industry. The MAR-DEI Centre would act as an information hub, providing knowledge, resources and information about where and how incidents should be reported, including social dialogues for discussing issues relevant to the efforts made to mitigate bullying, harassment and SASH and fostering a safe and healthy work environment that promotes DEI. This would address the lack of knowledge mentioned in the research report and assist maritime research, education and training.

Data: The MAR-DEI Centre will compile surveys, reports and data relating to DEI, bullying, harassment and SASH. This can be used to undertake new studies, assist evidence-based solutions, and contribute to maritime research and education.

2. Providing a range of supporting roles:

Support Mechanisms: The MAR-DEI Centre will work to create a supportive environment for employees reporting incidents. This could include resources to address the fear and lack of support from Senior officers. It may involve offering counseling services, role models, peer support programs, or other initiatives to assist individuals through the reporting process.

Guidelines: The MAR-DEI Centre will support the development and dissemination of existing guidelines for managing and reporting incidents of bullying, harassment and SASH, and promote good practices of DEI.

Confidential Reporting Channels: The MAR-DEI Centre is open to and encourages individuals to come forward without fear of reprisal, to report instances of bullying, harassment and SASH. This would address concerns such as doubt, lack of courage, and fear that seafarers mentioned in the CMSS/SDU research report.

Uniformity in Policies: The MAR-DEI Centre will strive to support the standardization and knowledge of policies and procedures related to DEI, bullying, harassment and SASH across the entire fleet. This would address the informants' desire for more uniformity in how such incidents are managed.

Awareness Campaigns: The MAR-DEI Centre may provide, assist, or promote awareness campaigns to inform about DEI and bullying, harassment and SASH, and the importance of reporting and ensuring processes are in place. This could help overcome barriers such as doubt and lack of knowledge about the complaints policies and processes as expressed in the CMSS/SDU research report. There are challenges in the work environment that can make seafarers vulnerable to bullying, harassment and SASH, and the Centre will support seafarers more in being less vulnerable.

Evaluation and Improvement: The MAR-DEI Centre will disseminate knowledge regarding evaluations of the complaints process and efforts in the industry, to identify areas for improvement. This could address the mixed experiences mentioned in the research report and work towards ensuring a fair resolution of cases.

3. Ensuring capacity building:

Training Programs: The MAR-DEI Centre will contribute to maritime training and education aimed at capacity building across the fleet where it is relevant. These programs would not only focus on raising awareness about DEI, bullying, harassment & SASH, but also on building the knowledge necessary for effective reporting, intervention, and prevention. Training programs could be designed to educate employees at all levels within the fleet on recognizing, reporting, and preventing such incidents, including suggestions for company policies, strategies and or guidelines.

Skill Development: Capacity building involves enhancing the skills of individuals to address specific challenges. The MAR-DEI Centre will promote relevant skill development workshops or training sessions for both crew members, managers and senior officers. These could cover, DEI, communication skills, psychological safety, conflict resolution, stress management and creating a positive and inclusive work environment.

Guidance for Managers and Officers: The MAR-DEI Centre will make resources and guidance available for managers and officers on how to respond effectively to reports of bullying, harassment and SASH. This might include or support protocols for conducting investigations, providing support to victims, and taking appropriate disciplinary actions when necessary.

Promoting a Culture of Respect: Capacity building also involves instilling a culture of respect and tolerance. The MAR-DEI Centre will promote awareness campaigns and workshops aimed at promoting a positive workplace culture, emphasizing the importance of DEI and mutual respect.

Continuous Learning: Capacity building will be an ongoing process and the MAR-DEI Centre will facilitate continuous learning opportunities, such as workshops or webinars, updates on best practices, changes in policies, and emerging issues related to DEI in the maritime.

Partnerships and collaboration: The MAR-DEI Centre will collaborate with external experts, including psychologists, counselors, or specialists in workplace dynamics DEI, bullying, harassment and SASH issues, to provide additional insights and resources for capacity building. Other relevant partnerships and collaborations will be considered, including Municipalities, the Danish national ABC Mental Health network (of which CMSS is a member), and internationally.


Centre management

Lisbeth Skræ, MSc.

Head of Education at SIMAC and co-author of merited Master thesis; Heyden, Uli & Lisbeth Anna Skræ (2015). Seksuelle krænkelser mod kvinder i den danske handelsflåde. (Sexual harassment against women in the Danish Fleet) Masterprojekt. København: DTU.

Lisa Loloma Froholdt, Ph.D.

Senior researcher, Head of Center for Maritime Health and Society at the University of Southern Denmark, Project manager of the research team for the BaHDIS project (Bullying and harassment in the Danish Fleet) and research report; Froholdt, L.L., Grøn, S., Nielsen, J.B., Thapa, S., Nielsen, MB., Fenn, A., Kragesand, E., and Risager Ubbesen, T. (2023). CMSS Research report: Bullying and harassment in the Danish Fleet


The Centre will be situated on the premises of SIMAC, in Svendborg, Denmark. A website will be created.


Initially the Centre will be an in-kind initiative from CMSS/SDU and SIMAC, using staff working hours (possible 0.5 -1 day a week), but funds may be sought to support the initiatives, either on a continuous basis or periodically in connection with different activities.


A milestone plan will be developed for the Centre activities. An evaluation will be undertaken of the implementation of this plan drawing to the end of the period set for the initiation, August 2026. SMART indicators will be drawn up with baseline targets set by the data in the research report (Froholdt et al. 2023) and indicative targets will be identified. The process evaluation by Steckler and Linnan (2002) will be used, and the 7 components; Context, Reach, Dose delivered, Dose received, Fidelity, Implementation, and recruitment.

Last Updated 23.05.2024