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About the project

The "Life after the loss"-project investigates the long-term consequences of losing a child during pregnancy, birth or shortly after birth. Data are based on answers to questionnaires about parents' physical and mental health.

Furthermore, the parents' satisfaction, with the treatment and care they received at the hospital, is investigated. The parents answer a questionnaire individually, so investigation of gender differences will be possible. The project should make it possible to improve the care for parents who lose in the future and hopefully make it possible to prevent some of the health consequences that may arise from the loss.

The project is conducted at Clinical Institute, University of Southern Denmark. Project manager midwife, PhD Dorte Hvidtjørn, University of Southern Denmark. Project supervisor psychologist, PhD Maja O'Connor, Aarhus University.


Updated 28.02.2022 

Currently, there are over 1200 parents in the project, who have agreed to participate. The project started with the first data collection in 2015. In the fall of 2016 the first participants from The region of Southern Denmark began to receive the questionnaires. In January 2017, it also became possible for parents in the Central Denmark Region to participate, and in 2018-2019 all Danish regions was included.


If you want to know more or have any questions about the project, you are welcome to contact us

Last Updated 27.07.2024