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Danish Centre for Rural Research - CLF


At the Danish Centre for Rural Research, our research is application-oriented. This means that it must be able to be used in practice for the benefit of people living and working in and with rural areas. On this page you can read about the opportunities for collaboration.

At the Danish Centre for Rural Research, our research is application-oriented. This means that it must be able to be used in practice for the benefit of people who live and work in and with rural areas.

Therefore, we collaborate with a wide range of national and international organisations to shed light on the complex issues facing rural areas. We collaborate with other universities, institutes and research centres, municipalities and regions, organisations and companies as well as citizens' associations, local councils and communities.

Interested in collaborating?

Our role in the collaboration depends on the project we are involved in. We are both coordinators on large EU projects, knowledge experts on boards and sparring partners for local communities on specific development projects.

If you have an idea for a joint project or need an expert in the rural area, you are always welcome to contact us.

You can write us at:

Need a presentation?

Our researchers are always happy to share their knowledge. Every year, we organise presentations around the country to provide inspiration and knowledge in specific areas of rural issues and development.

If you need an expert, feel free to contact the researcher directly to see if they are available for a presentation.

If you can't find the expert you're looking for, you can also write us at:

Last Updated 27.07.2024