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  • 27.06.2024

    The Centre for Industrial Electronics at SDU receives funding for three EUDP Projects

    The Energy Technology Development and Demonstration Program (EUDP) has recently granted funds to three projects totalling over 36 million DKK, in which the Center for Industrial Electronics (CIE) is participating. This support marks a significant recognition of CIE's research and innovation efforts in green technology and energy efficiency.

  • 21.06.2024

    Samaneh Sharbati from CIE receives EU-funding for 'CHIPS of Europe' project

    Samaneh Sharbati from the Centre for Industrial Electronics (CIE) at the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) has recently been awarded significant funding of 550,000 euros for the ambitious 'CHIPS of Europe' project. This grant marks an important step for Denmark in implementing the European chips strategy, also known as the 'European Chips Act'.

  • 03.06.2024

    New sensor technology can predict faults in the power grid

    In a new research project at the Faculty of Engineering at SDU, researchers and private partners will develop sensors that can be attached on the outside of power cables and detect if there is something wrong with the cables before they fail. This can lead to massive CO2 reductions and save money.

  • 06.05.2024

    CIE receives 2.9 million to optimize green hydrogen production

    Researchers from SDU and industrial partners Danfoss Drives and Green Hydrogen Systems have received a significant grant from “Erhvervsfyrtårn Syd: Fonden for Retfærdig Omstilling - Beyond Fossil” to develop efficient hydrogen production technology able to compete with fossil fuels in the market.

  • 21.03.2024

    Festival of Research 2024 at SDU Sønderborg

    The Festival of Research at SDU is back! On Saturday 20 April at 10.00 - 13.00, SDU Sønderborg invites you to a Saturday devoted to science.

  • 23.02.2024

    Centre for Industrial Electronics Leader, Thomas Ebel, to present talk at APEC 2024

    In a highly anticipated event at the upcoming Applied Power Electronics Conference (APEC) 24, Thomas Ebel, the leader of the Centre for Industrial Electronics, is set to deliver a presentation on "Advanced Metallized Film and Aluminium Polymer Electrolytic Capacitor Technologies."

  • 11.01.2024

    Fabrikant Mads Clausen Foundation supports local research

    MWith as many as seven grants from Fabrikant Mads Clausen's Foundation to the Department of Mechanics and Electronics (IME), the local SDU campus gets the opportunity to buy new equipment for the benefit of research and education at the university.

  • 29.11.2023

    ECPE Workshop Explores Cutting-Edge Advances in Capacitors for Power Electronics

    Last week, from the 22nd to the 23rd of November, 2023, the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Southern Denmark hosted the ECPE Hybrid Workshop on Capacitors in Power Electronics.

  • 15.10.2023

    Close Indo-Danish Collaboration for Next-Generation Power to X Converter

    The future of sustainable energy is here! The Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IIT Madras), Aalborg University, and the University of Southern Denmark have joined forces in a groundbreaking partnership with industrial giants like Danfoss Drives. Together, they're driving the 'Efficient Cost-saving Grid Friendly Power to X Converter' (ECoGrif) project, revolutionising the hydrogen economy.

  • 16.05.2023

    Meet Oliver Niebuhr: Exploring the Joy of Discovery and the Intricacies of Perception

    Oliver Niebuhr, an Associate Professor at the Centre for Industrial Electronics, is a researcher driven by a passion for understanding the world and the thrill of uncovering new knowledge. In an enlightening interview, Niebuhr shares his motivations for becoming a researcher, alternative career aspirations, and the fascinating research area of psychoacoustics.

  • 29.03.2023

    Shova Neupane receives the EPCIA Student award

    Shova Neupane has been awarded the EPCIA Student (PD) award for her exceptional work in passive electronic components. The award, with a cash prize of €5,000, was presented by the European Passive Components Manufacturers (EPCIA) to recognize the outstanding academic work presented in Dr Neupane's postdoctoral thesis.

  • 12.09.2022

    Head of CIE Thomas Ebel has been appointed professor

    56-year-old Thomas Ebel has been appointed professor of Advanced Capacitor Technologies. It has been four years since he took over as head of Centre for Industrial Electronics at SDU. Ebel has impressively managed to build the centre from scratch, so that CIE now stands as an example to follow when it comes to training engineers, state-of-the-art laboratories and industrial cooperation.

  • 11.05.2022

    Christian Veje Head of the Department of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering

    Professor Christian Veje, who comes from the Centre for Energy Informatics at SDU, looks forward to strengthening industrial cooperation and drawing the strategic direction for the institute, when he takes over as head of the Department of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering.

  • 15.02.2022

    Engineering students from SDU Sønderborg will send a rocket into space

    A group of engineering students from SDU in Sønderborg has ambitions to send a rocket into space. The goal is to participate in international competitions.

  • 16.12.2021

    From apprentice to associate professor - Kasper Paasch

    59-year-old Kasper Paasch teaches High Frequency Communication and is semester supervisor in 3rd-semester mechatronics at the Centre for Industrial Electronics. He is also a researcher in power electronics and solar cell systems. His passion for electronics, archery, history, and archaeology has not only created an unusual career path but also fills all hours of the day. His passions have materialised into a catapult, which is positioned at his home address. But this we will return to.

  • 09.06.2021

    Video conferencing: Women do worse than men

    Researchers from SDU and the University of Magdeburg have investigated how different voices are perceived via online tools such as Zoom, Skype, or Teams. Not all frequencies are fully transmitted, which affects women, whose voices are perceived as less competent, expressive, and charismatic than men's voices.

  • 29.04.2021

    All Danish universities join forces for the largest research and tech fair in the Nordic region

    DIGITAL TECH SUMMIT will be Denmark's unifying showcase for digital technologies and a venue for strong research environments, technology leading companies and start-ups

  • 08.04.2021

    Project to secure Danfoss' shares in an attractive billion market

    The global market for speed-controlled pumps is a billion-dollar industry that is growing bigger and bigger alongside increasing urbanisation. Danfoss has entered into a project with Fachhochschule Kiel and SDU, which will ensure the Danish industrial group, the preferred solution in the market for pump controls.

  • 25.03.2021

    ECPE Online Workshop: Capacitors in Power Electronics

    Don't miss out the ECPE online workshop "Capacitors in Power Electronics" on 20 and 21 April co-chaired by head of CIE, Thomas Ebel. Gain insights into new materials, technologies, applications, and reliability from academia and industry!

  • 07.01.2021

    New SDU equipment donated by Fabrikant Mads Clausen Foundation

    Fabrikant Mads Clausen Foundation has showered SDU with donations and this for the benefit of both research and education at SDU.

  • 21.08.2020

    Center for Industrial Electronic inaugurate EMC-lab

    The Center for Industrial Electronic (CIE) at SDU will be an international leader within the field of researching emissions that come from power electronics. An EMC-lab has been established in the effort to reach this goal. The lab will be inaugurated on the 27th August from 15:00-17:00 – everyone is welcome.

  • 27.02.2020

    Danish Prime Minister visited CIE

    On Thursday morning, the Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen visited Sønderborg, where her route included a stop at Alsion to greet the staff at Centre for Industrial Electronics.

  • 31.01.2020

    HRH The Crown Prince officially launched HCØ2020 celebrations

    With the push of a button, patron for HCØ2020 HRH The Crown Prince launched an electromagnetic rocket and thus officially started the HCØ 2020 celebrations.

  • 21.02.2019

    Attend free seminar at Centre for Industrial Electronics

    If you have a personal or professional interest in power electronics, please mark 5 March in your calendar. On this day, SDU Electrical Engineering (SDU EE) and Centre for Industrial Electronics (CIE) are hosting a two-hour seminar allowing the audience to learn about the latest research achievements.

  • 23.11.2018

    Topping-out ceremony for Centre for Industrial Electronics

    Today's topping-out ceremony emphasised that the new CIE building is well over midway. LINAK CEO, Bent Jensen, gave thanks to the tradesmen for their huge work efforts on behalf of the owners.

  • 18.11.2018

    Delfi Electronics nye ejere: - Center for Industriel Elektronik var vigtig for vores beslutning

    ETK EMS Group A/S opkøbte i oktober konkursboet efter Delfi Electronic, og reddede dermed en stor del af virksomhedens medarbejdere fra en tur til jobformidlingen. Partner og COO for ETK EMS Group, Torben Drejer, fortæller, at Sønderborgs ry som en driftig by og det nyetablerede Center for Industriel Elektronik var tungtvejende grunde til, at virksomheden valgte at etablere sig i byen.

  • 16.11.2018

    Save the Date: 2019 Green PE final conference

    Our project partners are excited to announce that the final conference of the Green PE project will take place January 25, 2018 in Sønderborg, Denmark.

  • 01.11.2018

    SDU forskning kan få indflydelse på den næste disruption

  • 26.10.2018

    Ærø becomes a new network partner in SDU project – the green island is supposed to become even greener

    The little gem in the southern Danish sea, Ærø, produces more power than the island itself consumes. Paradoxically, Ærø is nevertheless forced to export and import power because the consumption pattern of the inhabitants does not match the production of the six large wind turbines on the southwest coast of the island. This problem is now addressed by an Interreg project with SDU as lead partner.

  • 05.10.2018

    Workshop in Sønderborg builds bridges

    You probably understand what Siri, Alexa and Google tell you. But do you really like to talk to these programs, and are they always spot on, when they speak to you? Probably not. A group of international speech and language researchers, who met last week in Sønderborg, are working to do something about that.

  • 13.04.2018

    Digging has commenced for the Centre for Industrial Electronics

    The first spade of soil for the Centre for Industrial Electronics (CIE) in Sønderborg was turned over today. The centre is the result of an exceptional regional initiative and a unique collaboration. The CIE will be the home of three new SDU Engineering programmes and research at an international level, and it will meet corporate demands for skilled labour.

  • 11.01.2018

    SDU Sønderborg obtains approval of Bachelor of Engineering programme in Electronics

    In December, the Ministry of Education and Research approved two new programmes in the form of a Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Engineering and a Master of Science (MSc) in Engineering in Electronics, both of which are offered from SDU Sønderborg this year. Today, another approval came from Søren Pind’s ministry, namely of the Bachelor of Engineering (BEng) in Electronics.

  • 04.01.2018

    The first CIE staff members have been employed

    The 21st of June 2017 Danfoss A/S, LINAK A/S, the Region of Southern Denmark, SDU and Sønderborg Municipality agreed to finance the establishment of Center for Industrial Electronics. The new center will boast research, innovation and test facilities at a high international level and at the same time be a foundation for new engineering study programmes in the field of electronics at BSc, MSc and BEng levels.

  • 28.12.2017

    Plans for CIE building to be published soon

    A unique partnership with local companies, the region and Sønderborg municipality was established in 2017, which provides us with the financial resources to build a new Centre for Industrial Electronics as part of the Electrical Engineering section. The centre, CIE, will be placed in a new building, connected by a bridge to the old Alsion.

  • 30.06.2017

    Strong partnership behind new center at SDU

    A unique collaboration between public and private enterprises forms the basis for new research and innovation facilities as well as new engineering study programmes at SDU in Sønderborg. SDU, Danfoss A/S, LINAK A/S, the Region of Southern Denmark and Sønderborg Municipality each invest DKK 35-36m in a new Center for Industrial Electronics.