Here you'll get an overview of all our publications about the poisonous books at the University of Southern Denmark.
- Holck, J.P., Lund Rasmussen, K. (2018): How we discovered three poisonous books in our university library.
- Holck, J.P., Lund Rasmussen, K. (2018): Cómo descubrimos tres libros venenosos en la biblioteca de nuestra universidad.
- Holck, J.P., Lund Rasmussen, K. (2018): Danemark: le mystère des livres empoisonnés.
- Delbey, Th., Lund Rasmussen, K., Holck, J.P., Dorch, B. F. et alii (2019): “Poisonous books - Analyses of four 16th and 17th century book bindings covered with arsenic rich green paint”. Heritage Science. Springer Open.
- Lund Rasmussen, K., Holck, J.P. (2021): ”Hvad bogbindet gemte: Anvendelse af energidispersiv røntgenanalyse på gamle bogbind”. I: Aarbøger for Nordisk Oldkyndighed og Historie 2017. Det Kongelige Nordiske Oldskriftselskab. København: 153-166.