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Theses and dissertations

Theses from University of Southern Denmark: List from SDU theses-database 
All approved, from SDU students in 2017-.

Theses from other Danish universities:

Danish Theses and Ph.d.'s   The Danish National Research Database  
University of Copenhagen
Aarhus University
Roskilde University
Search System  
 Aalborg University AAU Student Projects  
 Aalborg University  Ph.D.Theses  
Aarhus University inclusive DPU AU Library Scholarly Publishing Services  Ph.D.
CBS. Copenhagen Business School StudentTheses@CBS  

Danish theses, ph.d.'s and dissertations in print


 Global  Global EDT Search Networked Digital Technical Library of Theses and Dissertations.
 Europe DART-Europe  Digital access to Research Theses
 Finland  University of Helsinki  Digital theses
France and Schwitzerland  CCSD Theses-EN-Ligne  
The Netherlands  narcis  The gateway to scholarly information in the Netherlands
Norway  DUO  Digitale Udgivelser ved Universitetet i Oslo
UK  EThOS  Electronic theses online
 Sweden  Avhandlingar från svenska universitet  Examensuppsatser från svenska universitet
   DiVA  Digitala Vetenskapliga Arkivet
 Germany  Online-Dissertationen und –Habilitationen
   OPUS- Universität Stuttgart  Dissertationen, Abschlussarbeiten (Bachelor und Master)
 Austria  Universitätsbibliothek der technischen Universität Wien  

Comments and corrections can be mailed to the page editor:  Merete Marbjerg

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Last Updated 29.07.2024