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University of Southern Denmark Business School

Meet five alumni from Economics and Business Administration

Here you can meet five alumni from an economics and business administration programme who talk about their time as students at SDU and their careers.


Christoffer Falkesen“My approach to work processes, and how to solve large-scale projects, are clearly shaped by my years at SDU.“

Christoffer Rosenkrands Falkesen
Education: MSc in Economics and Business Administration –
International Business & Management, 2020
Position: Project Consultant at SEF 


The programme

There’s no doubt it was the international perspective that made me apply for the Bachelor programme in International Business. It was super exciting to work with international cases and get an insight into what industries and markets look like on the other side of the planet. At the same time, the programme featured many exciting topics and subjects, so you gained a broad knowledge base. It was very appealing.

I moved to Funen from Zealand and expected the study environment at SDU to be very open and focus on friendships and collaboration. And that expectation was indeed confirmed when I studied on the programme.


I graduated last year and now work as a project consultant at the energy company SEF. During my studies, I collaborated with SEF on several occasions. That led to my current job, because I was offered to follow my project through to completion. I did an internship and wrote my thesis in collaboration with SEF, focusing on how they can work more with sustainability and the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

In my job as a project consultant, I benefit greatly from what I learned during the programme, especially in terms of how to prepare a work plan and stick to it. My approach to work processes, and how to solve large-scale projects, are clearly shaped by my years at SDU.


Dennis Frederiksen

“Building a business in such a short time would not have been possible without the knowledge I have gained from SDU.“

Dennis Frederiksen
Education: MSc in Economics and Business Administration – Management and Leadership, 2017
Position: Partner in the advertising agency Adtention

The programme

I chose SDU and the programme because I was greatly interested in governance and management. At the same time, it was also a generalist education, so it was very broad, which was great, because I think it’s important to have insight into about both governance and management.

I gained a great deal of professionalism from the programme. When you start practicing that professionalism, it gives you a different perspective on things. I was very pleased with the subjects, as there is a lot of progression between them. What you learned in one subject, you could use in another subject, and that’s a great strength of the programme.

The fun thing about life after your studies is that you run into your fellow students in the business world today. In any case, I think it’s an advantage to have gained a network just by starting your studies.


Today, I work at the advertising agency Adtention, where I’m responsible for everything in terms of operations, delivery and sales. So, I’m sort of a link between pretty much every activity we have.

I’ve always been very bold, and I used to run a business in the agency industry alongside my studies, which my partner and I chose to go into full-time. So since graduating from SDU, I’ve really just been my own employer. However, it’s been a very long learning process. Building a company in such a short time would not have been possible without the knowledge I have gained from SDU.


Mette G Vinther

“The programme provided a different angle on BSc in Economics and Business Administration because of its highly practical approach.“

Mette G. Vinther Eriksen
Education: MSc in Economics and Business Administration – International Business Development, 2014
Position: Senior Marketing Specialist at MG Motor Denmark, Nellemann Bilimport


The programme

I discovered that SDU offers a line specialising in entrepreneurship and innovation. The programme provided a different angle on the BSc in Economics and Business Administration because of its highly practical approach in that we did internships very often. Already there we launched our careers.

You already get a sense of the close interaction between the business community and the educational institution when you embark on your BSc degree. There was a really tight-knit academic environment, which encourages true team spirit and a great network that allowed you to use more seasoned students as a sounding board, too.


I work as a senior marketing specialist at Nellemann Bilimport, where I am currently responsible for marketing MG Motors in Denmark. In addition to MG, Nellemann Bilimport also imports Kia and Aston Martin in Denmark.

In recent years, the Danish car industry has developed significantly and seen new powertrains, models and brands. In my work with Kia and most recently MG, I have been able to draw on knowledge gained during my education – both in terms of developing and positioning an international brand in Denmark as well as creating new services and sales channels.


Tue Avbæk

“The lecturers had a huge professionalism that I was interested in.“

Tue Avbæk Larsen
Education: MSc in Economics and Business Administration – Strategic Entrepreneurship, 2012
Position: Business Development Manager at Arkil Holding A/S


The programme

JI chose SDU because of its Entrepreneurship and Innovation line, as I was very interested in entrepreneurship and organisation. What’s special about the programme is that once a week, we did an internship at a company and could try our hand at what we learned during our studies. That was one of the primary reasons why I chose the programme.

The programme boasts some outstanding lecturers, and they are pros through and through. At the same time, there was a great social study environment, and as a student you could always turn to the lecturers for help.


Today, I am responsible for business development at Arkil Holding. A great deal of my work focuses on how we can become more innovative. Among other things, I also work with acquisitions and divestments of companies in the group. Before that, I tried a few different things, both in the research community and in the business world. In the past, I have also been involved in setting up innovation camps for freshers at SDU. I still apply that knowledge about how to generate and value ideas today.

Now I have ended up at Arkil, a construction company, where I initially did a lot of business intelligence and analyses of where we should put our efforts in the company. Since then, I have had many tasks, and no two days are alike. 


Suna Ködörgü

“There was plenty of opportunity to gain practical experience during my studies, which was crucial to why I chose the programme.”

Suna Ködörgü
Education: MSc in Economics and Business Administration – Global Marketing Management, 2015
Position: Brand Manager at AstraZeneca


The programme

I am originally from Germany and visited SDU in connection with Open Day, as I had heard good things about the Danish education system. The international study environment gave me the opportunity to meet people from all over the world, which helped make my time at SDU very special indeed.

The programme offered a good mix of social sciences and economics subjects, and the motivated lecturers contributed to an excellent learning environment. At the same time, there was plenty of opportunity to gain practical experience during my studies, which was crucial to why I chose the programme. Time went by way too fast!


During my studies, I did an internship at OLYMPUS Europe, which supplies medical devices to the healthcare industry. There I discovered my passion for healthcare, which is why I still work in healthcare.

Today, I work as a brand manager at AstraZeneca in a very global environment, where I have worked with marketing, among other things, for over a year.


To learn more about SDU’s business administration programmes, check out your possibilities here.


Interviews were published in may 2021

Last Updated 21.08.2024