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Research Consortium

The Danish SHARE-DK research infrastructure consortium commenced in 2015 with the participation of University of Aarhus, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen Business School, the National Research Centre for the Working Environment and University of Southern Denmark. All of these institutions became co-financing partners, and they each had a representative in the management group of the consortium. Moreover, the research consortium was financed with grants from “Styrelsen for Forskning og Innovation” (the Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation). The collection of the Danish SHARE data from waves 6 and 7 was financed through these funds.

In 2018 and 2019 the research consortium consists of University of Southern Denmark, University of Aarhus, University of Copenhagen, University of Aalborg, Copenhagen Business School and University of Roskilde, who are all financing partners and are represented in the management group of the consortium. The research consortium will contribute to the financing of the Danish SHARE data for waves 8, 9 and 10.

Research Infrastructure

REGLINK-SHAREDK is a national research infrastructure consisting of a database that contains all the Danish SHARE interview data (waves 1-6) linked with Danish register data from Statistics Denmark. This will provide researchers from Danish research institutions with the ability to analyze employment behavior, health conditions, ageing processes, etc., and thereby provide evidence-based solutions to many of the societal challenges, which Denmark and many other countries in Europe are facing.

Access to Linked Data

It is possible for researchers affiliated with a Danish research institution to gain access to linked data for research purposes for access to data, please send a short application including a brief project description to the Danish country team leader Jørgen T. Lauridsen. Access also requires registration as a user of the European SHARE data. Read more about that procedure here.

The management group of the research consortium is responsible for the maintenance and use of the REGLINK-SHAREDK database in accordance with regulations from Statistics Denmark, the Danish Data Protection Agency, and the management of SHARE.

Last Updated 27.07.2024