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Economic and political demography

How do policy interventions and individual life choices interact with demographic change? We study a wide number of research topics where demographic issues and challenges can be better understood using economics and political science theories and methods.

We use demographic data resources to understand issues that are of importance to society, economy and public health. Fertility, mortality, demographic change, societal composition, ageing and immigration are important for our understanding of how most effectively and efficiently can we use scarce public resources from an economic and political science perspective.

The economic perspective looks at the causal effects of access to healthcare, environmental conditions, nutrition and violence on health outcomes, mortality, fertility, ageing, and retirement. This enables us to understand the levers though which we can implement effective policies. We use a variety of data sources including administrative, genetic and survey data and a variety of methods including document digitization and machine learning techniques to draw insight about potential long run implications of pandemics, early life health policies and parental investments. In addition, we are responsible for the collection of Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) longitudinal data in Denmark and link this resource to Danish administrative datasets (REGLINK-SHAREDK) to examine the social inequality of ageing, survival expectations, retirement and work capacity.

The political science perspective focuses on the ’Societies and Demographic Change' which studies a wide number of research topics at the interface of populations and politics. Where demographic issues and challenges can be better understood using political science and welfare state and public policy approaches and theories, notably political sociology, political economy, social policy, and political demography. These topics include intergenerational resource transfers and human capital investments, demographic change and social policy, intergenerational relations and their role in fostering societal sustainability, intergenerational social norms and comparisons, intergenerational mobility, intergenerational public policy conflict and pro-elderly policy bias, migration, and implications for policy reform and policy innovation.

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Last Updated 27.07.2024