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Magdalena Marinova

Magdalena Marinova

Information Service and Public Relations Department (National Museum of History, Bulgaria)
Expert in Public Relations, dissemination and digital presence

I graduated with a Master's Degree in Public Relations at Sofia University „St. Kliment Ohridski” (SU), Bulgaria and have more than 15 years of experience in the field of communications. My extensive experience in the field of communications is a result of many years of work in international integrated marketing communications agencies, national and private media, government institutions and NGOs. I have experience in organizing and promoting large-scale events and projects. B-Shapes is another challenge in my professional experience. The topic of the impact of minority societies, located in border regions, on the development and changing understanding of the cultural heritage is extremely important for Bulgaria as part of the European family.

While all consortium members are networked with different agents of the heritage industry and will involve them in the B-SHAPES’ activities, two non-academic partners will coordinate the involvement of agents of the heritage industry: ENRS  and the National Museum of History in Sofia, Bulgaria. The National Museum of History is one of the largest museums on the Balkan Peninsula and has a broad expertise in collecting, restoring, and popularizing European heritage artefacts originating in the Bulgarian lands.

Last Updated 20.12.2023