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DRIVEN - Danish Centre for Motivation and Behaviour Science

Research project will investigate whether ballroom dancing can be used as an effective intervention for older people with subjective memory complaints.

7 million kroner research grant from TrygFonden.

We are excited to announce that our co-director Cecilie Thøgersen-Ntoumani has successfully obtained a research grant of about 7 million kroner (about 940,000 Euros) from TrygFonden.

 The 3 1/2 years project will investigate whether ballroom dancing can be used as an effective intervention for older people with subjective memory complaints.

Co-investigators include Kamilla Woznica Miskowiak from the University of Copenhagen, other DRIVEN members Nikos Ntoumanis Peter Krustrup, Trine Kjær and Kristina Pfeffer , and SDU colleagues Pernille Tangggaard Andersen and Liza Sopina. Partners are various municipalities, dance schools, Ældre Sagen and DGI


Editing was completed: 18.09.2024