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DRIVEN - Danish Centre for Motivation and Behaviour Science

Research projects

Read more about the DRIVEN research projects and activities.

Cecilie Thøgersen-Ntoumani has successfully obtained a research grant of about 7 million kroner (about 940,000 Euros) from TrygFonden. The 3 1/2 years project will investigate whether ballroom dancing can be used as an effective intervention for older people with subjective memory complaints.

Co-investigators include Kamilla Woznica Miskowiak from the University of Copenhagen, other DRIVEN members Nikos Ntoumanis Peter Krustrup, Trine Kjær and Kristina Pfeffer (named post-doc), and SDU colleagues Pernille Tangggaard Andersen and Liza Sopina. Partners are various municipalities, dance schools, Ældre Sagen and DGI.

DRIVEN members Nikos Ntoumanis, Tina Dalager and Madalina Jäger, have received a grant from TrygFonden to develop and test a new digital platform that trains individuals in self-enactable behavior change techniques (BCTs) aimed at encouraging them to engage in more physical activity.

In collaboration with various national and international colleagues, DRIVEN co-director Cecilie Thøgersen-Ntoumani has received a research grant from the Danish Heart Foundation (Hjerteforeningen) to develop and test an intervention designed to increase Vigorous Intermittent Lifestyle Physical Activity (VILPA) in physically inactive women aged 40-65. The project is an important part of a larger programme of research focusing on VILPA.

DRIVEN members Nikos Ntoumanis, Tina Dalager and Madalina Jäger, have received a grant from TrygFonden to develop and test a new digital platform that trains individuals in self-enactable behavior change techniques (BCTs) aimed at encouraging them to engage in more physical activity.

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DRIVEN is part of a new EU-funded Horizon project, called ARCADIA. This project is seeking effective solutions for improving water quality and climate adaptation across Europe. In collaboration with the Department of Biology at SDU and several international partners, Profs Nikos Ntoumanis and Cecilie Thøgersen-Ntoumani will use behavioural sciences approaches to understand and promote such solutions within relevant citizen groups and policy makers.

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A 4-year grant of almost 1m Euros has been awarded by the Novo Nordisk Foundation to DRIVEN members Profs. Peter Krustrup, Nikos Ntoumanis and Cecilie Thøgersen-Ntoumani to study motivation for physical activity and healthy lifestyles in youth.

For more details, see the poster below.

Details about Fit First for All

DRIVEN has been awarded in late 2022 two projects that examine the use of performance enhancing drugs in sport.

The first project, funded by the Partnership for Clean Competition, will review the psychological literature regarding the influential predictors of doping intentions/willingness and doping use in sport and other physical activity domains.

The second project, awarded by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), will develop an assessment tool to help national anti-doping agencies to evaluate the effectiveness of their anti-doping education.


See overview of publications

Last Updated 18.09.2024