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COPe - Research center for Culture and Older People (vulnerability)


The center is anchored at Odense University Hospital and is part of Department of Clinical Research under the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Southern Denmark

Collaboration and meetings

Biannual virtual meetings will be organized by the management team of the COPe research center and will be held in the spring and fall of each year. The meetings will include presentations from researchers and stakeholders on their ongoing research projects and initiatives, as well as breakout sessions for focused discussions on vulnerability and older people and cross-disciplinary collaboration.

Beside the virtual meetings, PhD students, senior researchers, the advisory board, and other stakeholders will meet twice a year at seminars held in Svanninge Bjerge, University of Southern Denmark. Here, participants will discuss ongoing research projects and collaborate on new upcoming projects. These seminars will provide an opportunity for researchers and stakeholders to share their expertise and perspectives, and to identify potential areas for collaboration. The meetings will also provide a platform for networking and building relationships between researchers and stakeholders, which will facilitate knowledge exchange and new projects.

By bringing together PhD students, senior researchers, and other stakeholders, these meetings will help to foster a collaborative and interdisciplinary research environment. This is expected to facilitate the development and implementation of effective interventions to mitigate vulnerability and promote health and well-being among vulnerable older people.

The center will establish a virtual presence through its website at the University of Southern Denmark and social media platforms. The website will serve as a portal for information on ongoing research projects, research publications, and other resources related to vulnerability among older people. The social media platforms will serve as a means to disseminate information and engage with stakeholders, including vulnerable older people, health care professionals, policymakers, and community-based stakeholders. 

Advisory board

The advisory board is constituted of members and stakeholders that assemble different perspectives on vulnerability in older people and are represented by professionals, researchers, and vulnerable older people. The board will provide support and advice to the research plans and activities, assist in developing new projects and programs and identify best-practice standards. Furthermore, the board members will serve as ambassadors and advocate for the work and projects conducted in the framework of the COPe research center, providing a connection to and ongoing exchange of information. Kirsten Kyvik will be chairman of the Advisory Board. 

About Department of Clinical Research

The vision of the Department of Clinical Research is to create the patient treatment of the future through research and education in at strong collaboration with Odense University Hospital. 

Learn more: 

Research strategy for OUH and the Department of Clinical Research 

Department of Clinical Research

Last Updated 27.07.2024