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COPe - Research center for Culture and Older People (vulnerability)

Research areas

The COPe research Agenda:
The research agenda will be continuously developed in collaboration with the management team, the advisory board, young investigators and students, other community stakeholders, and external partners. The research agenda must prioritize research topics that address the needs and concerns of vulnerable older adults, such as frailty, chronic health conditions, cognitive impairment, and social isolation. The research agenda will furthermore incorporate a range of research methodologies, including qualitative and quantitative methods.

Partnerships and collaborations with other research centers, community stakeholders, and health care providers will help to enhance the impact and reach of the COPe research center. These partnerships are expected to provide access to additional resources, expertise, and opportunities for collaboration.

Overall, the center's focus will be on conducting high-quality research and disseminating knowledge to improve the health and well-being of vulnerable older people. By prioritizing remote collaboration and virtual communication, the center will be able to operate in a cost-effective and sustainable manner while still achieving its research objectives.

The COPe research center will: 

  • Firstly, serve as a hub for developing and disseminating knowledge about vulnerability among older people. This can improve the awareness and understanding of health care professionals about the risk factors associated with vulnerability and the interventions that can mitigate vulnerability and promote health and well-being. By providing access to up-to-date and evidence-based information, the center can enable health care professionals to make informed decisions about treatment and care – resulting in improved quality.
  • Secondly, serve as a resource for health care professionals who care for vulnerable older people. The center can provide information on available resources and support services, as well as connect health care professionals to relevant community-based organizations. This can improve the quality of care and support that health care professionals provide, and help to address the underlying factors that contribute to vulnerability.
  • Thirdly,  prioritize interdisciplinary collaboration and science. By bringing together experts from multiple disciplines, the center can leverage diverse perspectives and methodologies to advance the field of vulnerability research. This can improve the development and evaluation of interventions that mitigate vulnerability and promote health and well-being, and ultimately lead to improved health outcomes for vulnerable older people.
  • And finally, the COPe research center will contribute to improving the overall quality of care for vulnerable older people. By developing and evaluating interventions that mitigate vulnerability and promote health and well-being, the center can improve the effectiveness and efficiency of health care services. This can ultimately lead to improved health outcomes and a better quality of life for vulnerable older people.

You can read much more about the COPe research center in the project description, which also covers the background and objectives, as well as the vision and mission of the COPe center.


Last Updated 27.07.2024