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Human Health


Human Health og D-IAS inviterer til seminarrække om sundhedskommunikation

Vi starter den 21. april, hvor professor Paul Crawford sætter fokus på "creative public health".

Kom med når Human Health og D-IAS (Danish Institute for Advanced Study) i løbet af foråret  inviterer til en spændende seminarrække om forskellige tilgange til sundhedskommunikation.

21. april 2021 | Health Humanities: What’s Up With Everyone?
v.  Paul Crawford, Professor of Health Humanities, University of Nottingham

5. maj 2021 | Healthy Conversations. How skilled conversations can enhance the health of both our community and our health workforce 
v. Peter Martin, professor of Clinical Communication & End-of-Life Care, Deakin University

16. juni 2021 | Title to be announced
v. Timothy Skinner, professor of Health Psychology, University of Copenhagen

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Redaktionen afsluttet: 05.03.2021