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Elite Centre for Understanding Human Relationships with the Environment (CUHRE)

'Publication sprint' symposium: Politics of participation in a more-than-human world

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Kolding (Denmark) 2-3 December 2024, lunch-to-lunch
Special Guest: Prof Karen Malone

In recent years, both participatory methods and the consideration of more-than-human aspects of existence have gained significant traction. Originally practised and theorised in grassroots movements and emerging from flat and horizontal structures of social organisation, ‘participation’ has a long history. Similarly, the concept of more-than-human has deep roots in diverse cultural contexts that are often glossed over as the term shapes contemporary research engagements. 

We aim to critically examine what has been lost and gained along this journey, and work towards an outline for an edited volume through a ‘publication sprint’ approach.

Participation and meals are free. We have a small number of travel bursaries available. For more details, see the attached invitation. 

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Greetings from the organisers @ SDU FoodLab & CUHRE

Redaktionen afsluttet: 02.12.2024