Welcome to Nordic Humanities Center
Nordic Humanities Center is a new research center at the University of Southern Denmark and the University of Copenhagen that brings humanistic perspectives to major societal challenges. Each year, the steering group behind the center appoints a group of researchers from both universities who collaborate for a year on a specific theme.
On this page, we bring news about the research work and about workshops, presentations and conferences organized by the centre.
The Nordic Humanities Center (NHC) is funded by The A.P. Moller Relief Foundation.
Livet i velfærdsstaten: Humanistiske perspektiver på samfundsmæssige udfordringer
Nordic Humanities Center afholder konference om den nordiske velfærdsmodel. Centerets forskere deler deres viden og politikere som Rosa Lund (Ø), Magnus Barsøe (S) Isabella Arendt (K), Susanne Crawley Larsen (B) diskuterer udfordringer og muligheder
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