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Join us for the official opening of the Nordic Humanities Center

The Nordic Humanities Center is a new research centre at the University of Southern Denmark and the University of Copenhagen that brings humanities perspectives to major societal challenges. The first research project at the Center will be ‘Legitimacy under Pressure – the Past and Future of the Nordic Model’.

Programme for the opening:

15:00 Welcome and presentation by Head of Centre Anders Engberg-Pedersen

15:20 Ane Mærsk Mc-Kinney Uggla, Chair of the A.P. Moller Relief Foundation

15:30 Rector of the University of Southern Denmark, Jens Ringsmose

15:35 Rector of the University of Copenhagen, Henrik Wegener

15:40 Project presentation by Professor of History Karen Vallgårda and Professor of History Klaus Petersen

16:00 Reception and music by artist and composer Josefine Opsahl


The Nordic Humanities Center is funded by the A.P. Moller Relief Foundation.

We look forward to welcoming you!


Thursday 7 March 2024, 15:00 to 17:00

Festsalen Søndre Campus, University of Copenhagen, Karen Blixens Plads, 2300 Copenhagen S, Building 13A

Reserve your place

Free admission, registration required


Editing was completed: 07.02.2024