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IRS - Hospital Sønderjylland


List of all the Employees at IRS - Hospital Sønderjylland (Aabenraa and Sønderborg)

IRS - Hospital Sønderjylland

First name Last name Position Telephone Email
Ayham  Al-Masri  Teaching Asscociate Professor   
Ivan  Arsic  Phd Student   
Natalia Krantz  Barkholt  Ph.D. fellow   
Leah Sejrup  Christensen  PhD fellow   
Eva  Hoffmann  Visiting researcher   
Dina  Husum  PhD Student   
Louise Enemark  Jessen  Visting researcher   
Jesper Frølund  Laustsen  External Lecturer   
Sofie Ronja  Petersen  VIP   
Thor Aage  Skovsted  visiting researcher   
Trine  Ungermann Fredskild  VIP   

IRS - Hospital Sønderjylland, Molecular Diagnostic and Clinical Research Unit (MOK)

First name Last name Position Telephone Email
Vibeke  Andersen  Clinical Professor, Head of Research   
Kristina Kock  Hansen  Visiting researcher   
Karen Mai  Møllegaard  PhD student   
Helle Matzke  Rasmussen  Visiting researcher   
Behrooz  Shirvanehdeh  visiting researcher   

IRS - Hospital Sønderjylland, Research Unit of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care (Aabenraa)

First name Last name Position Telephone Email
Rajesh Prabhakar  Bhavsar  Postdoc   
Gunhild  Kjærgaard-Andersen  PhD student   
Rasmus Hjelmar  Petersen  Ph.d. Studerende   
Thomas  Strøm  Clinical Professor, Head of Research   

IRS - Hospital Sønderjylland, Research Unit of Emergency Medicine (Aabenraa)

First name Last name Position Telephone Email
Rasmus  Bruhn  visiting researcher   
Mariana Bichuette  Cartuliares  VIP   
Mette  Elkjær  Postdoc   
Karin  Jeppesen  PhD student   
Anne Heltborg  Kastberg  PhD student   
Petra  Lehel  External Lecturer   
Christian B.  Mogensen  Clinical Professor, Coordinative Head of Research   
Helene  Skjøt-Arkil  Associate Professor   

IRS - Hospital Sønderjylland, Research Unit of Gynecology and Obstetrics (Aabenraa)

First name Last name Position Telephone Email
Mette Hulbæk  Andersen  Postdoc   
Jens  Dalsgaard  Teaching Asscociate Professor   
Maiken Fabricius  Damm  Ph.D. fellow   
Maiken Fabricius  Damm  Ph.D. fellow   
Karsten  Kaiser  PhD student   
Sven Hoedt  Karstensen  PhD student   
Philip  Keudel  Teaching Asscociate Professor   
Finn Friis  Lauszus  Clinical Associate Professor   

IRS - Hospital Sønderjylland, Research Unit of Medicine (Sønderborg/Tønder)

First name Last name Position Telephone Email
Eithne Annette  Bauer  PhD Student   
Kenneth Mærsk  Christensen  Visiting researcher   
Leah Sejrup  Christensen  VIP   
Jan Dominik  Kampmann  VIP   
Andrzej  Konieczny  Teaching Asscociate Professor   
Frans Hjelm Brandt  Kristensen  Clinical Associate Professor, Head of Research   
Dorota Paulina  Küttel  Postdoc   
Mariam  Safi  Visiting researcher   
Anders Nikolai Ørsted  Schultz  VIP   
Bettina  Thude  Visiting researcher   

IRS - Hospital Sønderjylland, Research Unit of Neurology (Sønderborg)

First name Last name Position Telephone Email
Trine  Nielsen  VIP   
Thor  Petersen  Clinical Professor, Head of Reseacher   

IRS - Hospital Sønderjylland, Research Unit of Surgery (Aabenraa)

First name Last name Position Telephone Email
Kristian Als  Nielsen  PhD student   
Michael Festersen  Nielsen  Clinical Associate Professor, Head of Research   
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Last Updated 27.07.2024