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Political decision-making and military planning undertaken today must be relevant for the battlespace of the future. Yet, imagining what the future battlespace might look like not only requires knowledge of and insight into the technological aspects of industrial development and innovation, but also a holistic understanding of the interplay of the new technologies with historical, societal, and global developments as well as the political, institutional, legal, and ethical implications hereof. That is, the context in which the new security and defence technologies will be applied, their impact on it, and the wider implications. 

While we consider our expertise within science and engineering as central to SECDEF’s first research cluster on industrial development, SDU’s Center for War Studies (CWS) located at the Faculty of Business and Social Sciences is home to cutting-edge interdisciplinary research on the future battlespace, which constitutes SECDEF’s second research cluster.

CWS focuses on the changing character of war; the use of new, and potentially disruptive, technologies such as autonomous weapons and drones in warfare; governance and resilience in international relations, organisational challenges within the armed forces, military education, and intelligence. By working through SECDEF, external partners can harness the cutting-edge expertise at CWS. As an expert hub for research on contemporary warfare and emerging battlespaces in the land, air, sea, space, cyber and under-water domains, we can provide bespoke insight into emerging challenges and custom-made courses for the education of military officers and industry leaders on the future battlespace.

Below we list some of the research areas that we consider particularly relevant for SECDEF’s research cluster on the future battlespace.

Trine Flockhart

Contact person for inquiries about the excellence cluster on The Future Battlespace


Last Updated 27.07.2024