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SDU Climate Cluster is in charge of  the administration of an internal instrument pool of 96 MDKK, where SDU researchers can apply for funding for interdisciplinary climate-related research projects over a period of years.

It is possible to apply for financial instruments for five different projects: Elite centre, PhD programme, postdoc programme, fast track and guest researchers.

However, it goes for all the instruments that the grant must be used across at least two faculties. Thereby, SDU Climate Cluster’s core element – the interdisciplinary aspect – is ensured.

SCC's Strategic Grants Council is a SDU internal council that evaluates all applications for SCC instruments (except for Elite Centre). The council decides which applications we must grant the SCC instruments. 

The council comprises of an academic faculty representative per faculty, Head of SDU RIO and the Head of SCC. The council has been set up for a period of two years from October 2022. 

The largest SCC instruments goes to five interdisciplinary elite centres that each can apply for up to 10 MDKK over a four-year period. At least one-third of the applied amount must be allocated to the collaborative faculty/faculties. Thereby, each of SDU’s five faculties gets an elite centre that must conduct interdisciplinary climate-related research at a high international level.

The two first elite centres will be established at the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Engineering, respectively, with expected approval of the research projects by the end of 2022. The other 3 elite centres will be established during 2023.

15 MDKK has been allocated to PhD instruments. The instruments must cover half of a total of approx. 15 PhD positions. The other half must be funded externally. Occasionally, SCC can offer fully funded PhD position in a cooperation with external partners. 

The PhD programme must attract or retain climate research talents. In order to comply with the SCC’s demand for interdisciplinarity, the PhD student will be associated with a principal supervisor at one faculty and a co-supervisor at another faculty. The PhD student will be employed at the principal supervisor’s faculty.

The first round of applications for the PhD instruments will take place on 1 March 2024. Subsequently, there will be annual application rounds towards 2026.

The first round of applications for the postdoc instruments will take place in Q4 2024, at the earliest.

Guidelines for the application process will be posted on this website.

The postdoc programme has been geared through the Marie Curie financial instrument and will finance the employment of 15 postdocs over the coming years. The financial instrument must cover payroll funds for the postdocs over a period of two years.

The postdoc programme must attract international climate research talents to SDU. They will be employed at a department, but at the same time they will be associated with an interdisciplinary research environment.

For the fast track instruments 9 MDKK has been allocated. You can apply for up to 100,000 DKK, which must be spent within a year.

The financial instruments are intended for minor research ideas, hypothesis and setting-up of pilot projects, which can hopefully form basis for large external research applications later on. Thereby, the fast track instruments contribute to creation of a growth segment in the SDU Climate Cluster, and at the same time it is a test track for new interdisciplinary research cooperation.

There will be biannual application rounds on 1 April and 1 November until the 9 MDKK has been spent.

Last Updated 27.07.2024