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ESR 14

Teodor Kalpakchiev
School of Earth and Environment


Teodor will be researching the effectiveness of steering phosphorus through instruments at various scales in cases spread out in the EU, UK and Australia to inform the optimal governance methodology that can prevent the policy failure of not addressing the Phosphorus challenge. This includes its unequal distribution at the source, inefficient handling in the food supply chain, lacking or failing policy designs, as well as institutional fragmentation. His research aims to:

  1. Identify and systematize the strategic, policy and trans-sectoral triggers that can bring phosphorus high on the political agenda.
  2. Map stakeholders and their interaction modalities at multiple levels in order to construct the backbone of global orchestration of phosphorus and its knock-on effects.
  3. Juxtapose the inter-sectoral legal integration of phosphorus to economic and regulatory instruments for curbing its circularity.
  4. Inform the contextual sensitivity of applying phosphorus governance in unregulated spaces to develop a decision-making matrix that can be applied globally.

Teodor has a background in Interdisciplinary EU Studies with focus on Economics, Law and EU as a Global Environmental Actor, as well as Public Policy with focus on Development Cooperation. He did a traineeship with DG International Partnerships of the EU Commission, taught at a Business School in Myanmar, supported the 5th Africa-EU Summit and worked for a MEP in the EU Parliament. He has been active with NGOs and maintains a science-policy blog. Throughout these, he was always excited about circularity of resources and the transition to ecological governance, hence addressing the global phosphorus challenge seems like the perfect mission.
