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Markus Fraundorfer

Lecturer in Global Governance
School of Politics and International Studies

Phone: +44(0)113 343 8105

My research focuses on three major strands related to the profound social, political and economic transformation processes taking place in the global governance system, namely (1) questions of global justice and democracy, (2) global challenges and (3) Brazilian foreign policy.

  1. Questions of global justice and global democracy: the global system today suffers from a severe democratic deficit, with abysmal inequalities all around the globe. The more democratic and equitable the global governance system can be designed, the more opportunities may arise to tackle global challenges in a sustainable way, respecting the planet's rich biodiversity as well as the needs and interests of our own species and other non-human species. Which strategies do exist to realistically democratise the global system? How to confront the current rise of authoritarianism around the globe? What does justice mean in the face of challenges that span the entire planet? And how to reinvent democracy in a global (or planetary) age?
  2. Global challenges: global threats such as climate change, health epidemics, food insecurity and so forth confront humankind with unprecedented challenges. The international system and its major actors with their prevailing intergovernmental world-view are ill-equipped to tackle those challenges which affect every single human and non-human animal on this planet, independent of species, race, culture or nationality. How do those transboundary challenges reconfigure our world-views and the behaviour of the various actors in the global governance system? Which governance solutions exist (or may be developed) to avoid catastrophes of a planetary dimension?
  3. Brazilian foreign policy and the country's new role in global governance: since the beginning of this century, Brazil has slowly risen to unprecedented levels of influence in the global governance system, shaping the international agenda on various issues of global importance, including health epidemics, global poverty and hunger, energy-related questions, the Internet and climate change. How has a formerly marginal country in global politics come to shape and reshape fundamental issues on the international agenda? And what can the world learn from this South American giant?

Research projects

Any research projects I'm currently working on will be listed below. Our list of all research projects allows you to view and search the full list of projects in the faculty.


  • PhD Social Sciences, University of Hamburg
  • MRes International Politics, University of Manchester
  • Magister Artium Political Science and Ibero-Romance Languages and Literature,
  • Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg

Professional memberships

  • Academic Council on the United Nations System
  • International Studies Association
  • Latin American Studies Association

Student education

I am the programme director of the MA Global Governance and Diplomacy.

Postgraduate research opportunities

The school welcomes enquiries from motivated and qualified applicants from all around the world who are interested in PhD study. Our research opportunities allow you to search for projects and scholarships.


Twitter: @MarkuFrado