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Upcoming events at

Quantum Field Theory Center – QTC

We have a weekly Journal Club every Friday from 11:30 to 13 CET  and you are of course welcome to join us — either in-person in the DIAS Meetingroom Syd (V22-503a-2) or virtual via Zoom (passcode: 060379).

Generally, we discuss recent noteworthy papers, which are relevant for our research fields, or we host talks on very different topics of theoretical physics. 

If you are interested, you can write us an email, and we will add you to our mailing list for future talks.

Fioniavej 34, Odense M


11:30 - 13:00

QTC Journal Club: Bridging Celestial and (A)dS Holography

20 Sep

Speaker: Lorenzo Iacobacci, Postdoc at Brussel UniversityAbstract: We will explore the connection between Celestial and Euclidean Anti-de Sitter (EAdS) holography in the massive scalar case. Specifically, exploiting the so-called hyperbolic foliation of Minkowski space-time, we will show that each contribution to massive Celestial correlators can be reformulated as a linear combination of contributions to corresponding massive Witten correlators in EAdS. This result will be demonstrated explicitly for contact diagrams, and it extends to all orders in perturbation theory by leveraging the bootstrapping properties of CFTs.Location: The DIAS Meetingroom Syd (V22-503a-2)You can also join via Zoom (passcode: 060379).The event is open to all.

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Fioniavej 34, Odense M


11:30 - 13:00

QTC Journal Club: TBA

27 Sep

Speaker: Alessandra D’Alise, PhD studentAbstract: TBALocation: The DIAS Meetingroom Syd (V22-503a-2)You can also join via Zoom (passcode: 060379).The event is open to all.

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Fioniavej 34, Odense M


11:30 - 13:00

QTC Journal Club: TBA

4 Oct

Speaker: Alessandra D’Alise, PhD studentAbstract: TBALocation: The DIAS Meetingroom Syd (V22-503a-2)You can also join via Zoom (passcode: 060379).The event is open to all.

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Fioniavej 34, Odense M


11:30 - 13:00

QTC Journal Club: TBA

11 Oct

Speaker: Giacomo Cacciapaglia, Senior ResearcherAbstract: TBALocation: The DIAS Meetingroom Syd (V22-503a-2)You can also join via Zoom (passcode: 060379).The event is open to all.

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Fioniavej 34, Odense M


11:30 - 13:00

QTC Journal Club: TBA

18 Oct

Speaker: Giulia Muco, PhD studentAbstract: TBALocation: The DIAS Meetingroom Syd (V22-503a-2)You can also join via Zoom (passcode: 060379).The event is open to all.

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Fioniavej 34, Odense M


11:30 - 13:00

QTC Journal Club: TBA

25 Oct

Speaker: Domenico Frattulillo, PhD studentAbstract: TBALocation: The DIAS Meetingroom Syd (V22-503a-2)You can also join via Zoom (passcode: 060379).The event is open to all.

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Fioniavej 34, Odense M


11:30 - 13:00

QTC Journal Club: TBA

8 Nov

Speaker: Mattia Damia Paciarini, PhD studentAbstract: TBALocation: The DIAS Meetingroom Syd (V22-503a-2)You can also join via Zoom (passcode: 060379).The event is open to all.

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Fioniavej 34, Odense M


11:30 - 13:00

QTC Journal Club: TBA

15 Nov

Speaker: Antonio Rago, Associate ProfessorAbstract: TBALocation: The DIAS Meetingroom Syd (V22-503a-2)You can also join via Zoom (passcode: 060379).The event is open to all.

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Fioniavej 34, Odense M


11:30 - 13:00

QTC Journal Club: TBA

22 Nov

Speaker: Benjamin Jäger, Associate ProfessorAbstract: TBALocation: The DIAS Meetingroom Syd (V22-503a-2)You can also join via Zoom (passcode: 060379).The event is open to all.

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Fioniavej 34, Odense M


11:30 - 13:00

Journal Club: Higher Flavour Symmetries

17 Nov

Speaker: Vigilante Di Risi, PhD studentAbstract: A discussion of the paper “Higher Flavor Symmetries in the Standard Model”.Location: The DIAS Meetingroom Syd (V22-503a-2)You can also join via Zoom (passcode: 060379).The event is open to all.

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Fioniavej 34, Odense M


11:30 - 13:00

Journal Club: Higher Symmetries

24 Nov

Speaker: Vigilante Di Risi, PhD studentAbstract: An introduction to Higher Symmetries.Location: The DIAS Meetingroom Syd (V22-503a-2)You can also join via Zoom (passcode: 060379).The event is open to all.

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Fioniavej 34, Odense M


11:30 - 13:00

Journal Club: The physics of 2-color QCD

1 Dec

Speakers: Alessandra D’Alise and Clelia Gambardella, PhD studentsAbstract: An introduction to 2-colour QCD.Location: The DIAS Meetingroom Syd (V22-503a-2)You can also join via Zoom (passcode: 060379).The event is open to all.

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Fioniavej 34, Odense M


11:30 - 13:00

Journal Club: The physics of 2-color QCD

8 Dec

Speakers: Alessandra D’Alise and Clelia Gambardella, PhD studentsAbstract: An introduction to 2-colour QCD.Location: The DIAS Meetingroom Syd (V22-503a-2)You can also join via Zoom (passcode: 060379).The event is open to all.

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Fioniavej 34, Odense M


11:30 - 13:00

Journal Club: The physics of 2-color QCD

19 Dec

Speakers: Alessandra D’Alise and Clelia Gambardella, PhD studentsAbstract: An introduction to 2-colour QCD.Location: The DIAS Meetingroom Syd (V22-503a-2)You can also join via Zoom (passcode: 060379).The event is open to all.

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Fioniavej 34, Odense M


11:30 - 13:00

Journal Club: Viruses and epidemiology

26 Jan

Speaker: Marika D’Avanzo, PhD studentAbstract: Introduction to to Animal Viruses.Location: The DIAS Meetingroom Syd (V22-503a-2)You can also join via Zoom (passcode: 060379).The event is open to all.

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Fioniavej 34, Odense M


11:30 - 13:00

Journal Club: Viruses and epidemiology

2 Feb

Speaker: Marika D’Avanzo, PhD studentAbstract: Virus Transmission and Epidemiology.Location: The DIAS Meetingroom Syd (V22-503a-2)You can also join via Zoom (passcode: 060379).The event is open to all.

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Fioniavej 34, Odense M


11:30 - 13:00

Journal Club: Holography

9 Feb

Speaker: Sven Bjarke Gudnason, Professor Abstract: Baryons from holographic instantons.Location: The DIAS Meetingroom Syd (V22-503a-2)You can also join via Zoom (passcode: 060379).The event is open to all.

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Fioniavej 34, Odense M


11:30 - 13:00

Journal Club: CFTs and Category Theory

16 Feb

Speaker: Devon Stockall, PhD studentAbstract: Conformal Field Theories and Category Theory.Location: The DIAS Meetingroom Syd (V22-503a-2)You can also join via Zoom (passcode: 060379).The event is open to all.

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Fioniavej 34, Odense M


11:30 - 13:00

Journal Club: Post-Newtonian Generation of Gravitational Waves in Einstein-Cartan theory

23 Feb

Speaker: Emmanuele Battista, PostdocAbstract: Post-Newtonian Generation of Gravitational Waves in Einstein-Cartan theory.Location: The DIAS Meetingroom Syd (V22-503a-2)You can also join via Zoom (passcode: 060379).The event is open to all.

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Fioniavej 34, Odense M


11:30 - 13:00

Journal Club: PBHs and Primordial non-gaussianity: from their abundance to gravitational waves

8 Mar

Speaker: Antonio Iovino, master studentAbstract: The recent data releases by multiple pulsar timing array (PTA) experiments show evidence for Hellings-Downs angular correlations indicating that the observed stochastic common spectrum can be interpreted as a stochastic gravitational wave background. We study whether the signal may originate from gravitational waves induced by high-amplitude primordial curvature perturbations. Such large perturbations may be accompanied by the generation of a sizeable primordial black hole (PBH) abundance. We discuss in which scenarios the inclusion of non-Gaussianities in the computation of the abundance can lead to a signal compatible with the PTA experiments without overproducing PBHs. Eventually we briefly discuss other astrophysical and cosmological explanations for the PTA data.Location: The DIAS Meetingroom Syd (V22-503a-2)You can also join via Zoom (passcode: 060379).The event is open to all.

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Fioniavej 34, Odense M


11:30 - 13:00

Journal Club: Quantum Black Hole Physics from the Event Horizon

15 Mar

Speaker: Manuel Del Piano, PhD studentAbstract: In the realm of quantum gravity theories, predictions suggest deviations from classical black hole solutions. One promising avenue for exploring these deviations is through a model-independent approach that utilizes metric deformations parameterized by physical quantities like proper distance. While this approach preserves the space-time's invariance under coordinate transformations, practical computations are daunting due to the dependence of distance on the deformed metric. Our study focuses on spherically symmetric and static metrics, aiming to establish a self-consistent framework for computing the distance function near black hole event horizons. We achieve this by introducing a minimal level of regularity at the horizon, allowing us to derive explicit (series) expansions of the metric. This advancement enables us to calculate essential thermodynamic quantities, such as the Hawking temperature and entropy, using model-independent expressions that extend beyond the limitations of large mass expansions. Moreover, we investigate the implications of imposing conditions like the absence of curvature singularities at the event horizon. Surprisingly, we uncover violations of these conditions in certain existing models, highlighting the need for further refinement and exploration in the field of quantum gravity and black hole physics.Location: The DIAS Meetingroom Syd (V22-503a-2)You can also join via Zoom (passcode: 060379).The event is open to all.

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Fioniavej 34, Odense M


11:30 - 13:00

Journal Club: How I (machine) learned the quantum many-body problem

29 Mar

Speaker: Pietro ButtiAbstract: Neural network quantum states (NNQS) represent a novel approach in quantum many-body physics using techniques inspired by artificial neural networks combined with standard variational Monte-Carlo methods. The growing computational and algorithmic capabilities make this method comparable to standard state-of-the-art methodologies while offering promising advantages. It can leverage extensive research in machine learning and easily integrate with existing libraries, simplifying code development in an unprecedented way. This accessibility and versatility make it appealing for developing new applications, even beyond quantum many-body physics itself. The purpose of this talk is to provide a thorough introduction of the topic with the help of some practical example.Location: The DIAS Meetingroom Syd (V22-503a-2)You can also join via Zoom (passcode: 060379).The event is open to all.

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Fioniavej 34, Odense M


11:30 - 13:00

Journal Club: Discussion of two papers

12 Apr

Discussion of the paper Exact evaluation of large-charge correlation functions in non-relativistic conformal field theory by S. R. Beane, D. Orlando, and S. Reffert. Speakers: Vigilante Di Risi and Davide Iacobacci, PhD students   • Download slides from the talkAnd discussion of the paper Two-index SU(N) theories QCD, Orientifolds, Super Yang-Mills, Lattice and Steven Weinberg’s ππ scattering legacy by F. Sannino.Speakers: Sofie Martins and Mattia Damia Paciarini, PhD students   • Download slides from the talkLocation: The DIAS Meetingroom Syd (V22-503a-2)You can also join via Zoom (passcode: 060379).The event is open to all.

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Fioniavej 34, Odense M


11:30 - 13:00

Journal Club: Information Geometry in Epidemiology and Population Dynamics

19 Apr

Speaker: Stefan Hohenegger, Senior ResearcherAbstract: In this talk I introduce basic concepts in information theory and apply them to epidemiology and population dynamics: I start by reformulating simple evolution models in terms of probability distributions. This allows me to construct the Fisher information, which I interpret as the metric of a one-dimensional differentiable manifold. For systems that can be effectively described by a single degree of freedom, I show that their time evolution is fully captured by this metric. In this way, I extract universal features across seemingly very different models. This further motivates a reorganisation of the dynamics around zeroes of the Fisher metric, corresponding to extrema of the probability distribution. Concretely, I propose a simple form of the metric for which I analytically solve the dynamics of the system that well approximates the time evolution of various established models in epidemiology and population dynamics, thus providing a unifying framework.Location: The DIAS Meetingroom Syd (V22-503a-2)You can also join via Zoom (passcode: 060379).The event is open to all.

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Fioniavej 34, Odense M


11:30 - 13:00

Journal Club: A first look at Quantum Computing

26 Apr

Speaker: Michele della Morte, Associate ProfessorAbstract: Michele della Morte will discuss “A first look at Quantum Computing” based on Professor Nathaniel David Mermin’s book Quantum Computer Science – An Introduction.In particular, Michele will introduce basic concepts in Quantum Computing and discuss the example of the Feynman Deutsch problem. Location: The DIAS Meetingroom Syd (V22-503a-2)You can also join via Zoom (passcode: 060379).The event is open to all.

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Fioniavej 34, Odense M


11:30 - 13:00

Journal Club: On the many natures of the Higgs - From Composite Higgs Dynamics to the Standard Model as Magnetic Theory

3 May

Speaker: Francesco Sannino, Professor Abstract: I will first provide a mathematical classification of the various extensions of the Standard Model according to their degree of naturality.I will then argue in favour of the existence of a dual description of the Standard Model in terms of “electric” variables, an idea inspired by Dirac electromagnetic-duality idea and the work by Seiberg for gauge-gauge duality in supersymmetric QFTs.I will finally introduce a toy  Standard Model to elucidate the crucial aspects about duality which, as I will show, can provide elegant solutions to outstanding problems such as why we have three generations and why the Standard Model could be a natural theory in plain sight.  Location: The DIAS Meetingroom Syd (V22-503a-2)You can also join via Zoom (passcode: 060379).The event is open to all.

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Fioniavej 34, Odense M


11:30 - 13:00

Journal Club: TBA

10 May

Speaker: Claudio Pica, ProfessorAbstract: TBALocation: The DIAS Meetingroom Syd (V22-503a-2)You can also join via Zoom (passcode: 060379).The event is open to all.

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Fioniavej 34, Odense M


11:30 - 13:00

QTC Journal Club: Lorentzian-Euclidean black holes: a way to avoid singularities

17 May

Speaker: Emmanuele Battista, PostdocAbstract: In this seminar, we investigate a Schwarzschild metric whose signature changes upon crossing the event horizon. In particular, when r > 2M the metric has the usual Lorentzian signature; then, at r = 2M it becomes degenerate, and when r < 2M  it attains the ultrahyperbolic signature. In this scenario, the time variable is real-valued outside the event horizon and becomes imaginary inside it. This geometry gives rise to what we term a Lorentzian-Euclidean black hole. The underlying Riemann tensor exhibits Dirac-delta-like singularities which we regularize by employing the Hadamard partie finie technique. In this way, we demonstrate that the Lorentzian-Euclidean metric represents a solution of the vacuum Einstein equations. The analysis of the motion of radially moving observers reveals that the black-hole singularity can be avoided. The seminar is based on ArXiv: 2404.17267. Location: The DIAS Meetingroom Syd (V22-503a-2)You can also join via Zoom (passcode: 060379).The event is open to all.

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Fioniavej 34, Odense M


11:30 - 13:00

QTC Journal Club: Theoretical and phenomenological aspects of quantum spacetime

24 May

Speaker: Giuseppe Fabiano, PhD studentAbstract: Several heuristic arguments in quantum gravity research suggest that there should be a fundamental limit to localization of physical systems. If this argument is to be taken at face value, the classical notion of smooth spacetime should be replaced by that of a "quantized" spacetime. A suitable framework for describing such a scenario is that of non-commutative geometry, where coordinate functions on a manifold are promoted to non-commutative operators. In my presentation, I will highlight some theoretical aspects regarding the "quantum symmetries" of noncommutative spacetimes and I will discuss some phenomenological opportunities arising from relativistic toy models inspired by spacetime noncommutativity.Location: The DIAS Meetingroom Syd (V22-503a-2)You can also join via Zoom (passcode: 060379).The event is open to all.

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Fioniavej 34, Odense M


11:30 - 13:00

QTC Journal Club: Ryu-Takayanagi formula and beyond

31 May

Speaker: Davide Iacobacci, PhD student at SSM, Naples, who is going to talk about Entanglement Entropy in the framework of AdS-CFT correspondence.Abstract: We delve into the interplay between quantum information theory and gravitational physics, focusing on the Ryu-Takayanagi (RT) formula within the framework of the AdS/CFT correspondence. We begin with a historical overview of holography, tracing key developments from 't Hooft and Susskind's early insights to Maldacena's AdS/CFT duality. The core of the presentation explores entanglement entropy, providing an intuitive understanding and highlighting its significance in quantum field theory (QFT) and many-body systems. We then introduce the RT formula, illustrating its role in linking entanglement entropy to minimal surfaces in anti-de Sitter (AdS) space. Through concrete examples, including the AdS3/CFT2 correspondence and black hole cases, we demonstrate the practical calculations and implications of this relationship. The presentation concludes by emphasising the broader impact of these concepts, underscoring the essential role of entanglement in understanding quantum phenomena. We end with a new quantum information theoretic view for studying gravitational back-reaction. Location: The DIAS Meetingroom Syd (V22-503a-2)You can also join via Zoom (passcode: 060379).The event is open to all.

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Fioniavej 34, Odense M


11:30 - 13:00

QTC Journal Club: Phenomenology of in-vacuo dispersion in FLRW spacetime

14 Jun

Speaker: Domenico Frattulillo, who is part of our research unit and has completed his PhD recently. He is going to talk about phenomenology in quantum gravity.Abstract: Over the last 20 years there has been considerable interest in the possibility of quantum-gravity induced in-vacuo dispersion, namely the possibility that spacetime itself might behave like a dispersive medium for particle propagation.The way in which in-vacuo dispersion produces redshift-dependent corrections to the time of flight of astrophysics particles depends on the model-dependent interplay between Planck-scale effects and spacetime curvature/expansion. I present the most general formula for the leading order redshift-dependent correction to the time of flight for the scenario in which relativistic symmetries are deformed at the Planck scale (DSR).Finally, in the second part of the talk, I present how it is possible to test in-vacuo dispersion through Gamma ray bursts data. In fact, observations of GRBs, which in general have high redshift distances and emit (nearly-)simultaneously photons of different energies and (probably) neutrinos, could be well suited for finding a manifestation of this novel energy dependence of the speed.Location: The DIAS Meetingroom Syd (V22-503a-2)You can also join via Zoom (passcode: 060379).The event is open to all.

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Fioniavej 34, Odense M


11:30 - 13:00

QTC Journal Club: Measuring Hawking Radiation from Black Holes Morcels in Astrophysical Black Holes Mergers

21 Jun

Speaker: Giacomo Cacciapaglia, who is part of our research unit and is currently working in Lyon. The talk is about measuring Hawking radiation from tiny black holes, which may be formed after astrophysical black holes mergers. Here below you can find the abstract of the talk.Abstract: We show that it is possible to observe the Hawking radiation emitted by small black holes assumed to form in catastrophic astrophysical events such as black hole mergers. Gamma ray bursts in the TeV range are unique footprints of these asteroid-mass black hole morsels ejected during the merger. The time delay of the gamma ray bursts from the gravitational wave event is correlated to the mass distribution of the morsels. The integrated mass of the morsels allowed by the unaccounted merger mass leads to a Hawking induced radiation in photons that is above the sensitivity of atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes such as HESS, LHAASO and HAWC.Location: The DIAS Meetingroom Syd (V22-503a-2)You can also join via Zoom (passcode: 060379).The event is open to all.

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Fioniavej 34, Odense M


11:30 - 13:00

QTC Journal Club: Probing the regularization of space-time singularities

28 Jun

Speaker: Vania Vellucci, PhD student at SISSA. She has been working mainly on Black Holes physics, and her talk will focus on the study of Black Holes singularities. Here below you can find more information.Abstract: In a complete theory of gravity we expect space-time singularities to be regularized by quantum effects. From this point of view, we have two possible regular alternatives to singular black holes (BHs) to describe the ultracompact objects that we saw in our universe: regular black holes and horizonless compact objects. I will talk about the possible structures of these black hole mimickers and the gravitational waves ringdown signal that we expect from their coalescence. Location: The DIAS Meetingroom Syd (V22-503a-2)You can also join via Zoom (passcode: 060379).The event is open to all.

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Fioniavej 34, Odense M


11:30 - 13:00

QTC Journal Club: TBA

6 Sep

Speaker: Manuel Del Piano, PhD studentAbstract: TBALocation: The DIAS Meetingroom Syd (V22-503a-2)You can also join via Zoom (passcode: 060379).The event is open to all.

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Fioniavej 34, Odense M


11:30 - 13:00

QTC Journal Club: TBA

13 Sep

Speaker: Marika D’Avanzo, PhD studentAbstract: TBALocation: The DIAS Meetingroom Syd (V22-503a-2)You can also join via Zoom (passcode: 060379).The event is open to all.

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Quantum Field Theory Center

  • Campusvej 55
  • Odense M - DK-5230
  • Phone: +45 6550 4318

Last Updated 27.07.2024