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We study the dynamics of population biology and life history evolution. Our research spans taxonomic groups from animals to plants, and we focus on topics as diverse as the evolution of ageing and the impact of climate change on dynamics.
  • Population Dynamics and Biodiversity: Analysing changes in population dynamics and species diversity due to environmental changes, including shifting climates.

  • Adaptation and Resilience:Studying how species adapt their life history strategies in response to climate change, and assessing their resilience and vulnerability.
  • Field Observations and Database Analyses: Using field studies (including long-term studies of the plants Actaea spicata and Pulsatilla vulgaris spp. gotlandica) and databases (including Compadre and Comadre, which we co-created) to understand environmental stressors’ impacts on population biology and life history evolution.

  • Structured Population Modeling: We use matrix population models (MPMs) and integral population models (IPMs) to analyse population structure and dynamics in response to environmental change, and interspecific interactions, providing valuable insights into population growth and demographic changes.

  • Bayesian Analysis of Mortality and Fertility: We apply Bayesian statistics to understand trends in mortality and fertility across age, contributing to the broader knowledge of species' demography and the evolution of aging.
  • Collaboration with Species360: Our research is enhanced by our collaboration with Species360, a non-profit organisation managing the ZIMS and Hortis databases. These comprehensive records, dating back to the mid-1800s, are instrumental in advancing our understanding of animal and botanical life histories, contributing to effective conservation strategies and unravelling evolutionary narratives in the context of a changing climate.
  • Collaborative Network: Our research is enriched by collaborations within the university and with global academic partners as well as the natural history museum, NATURAMA in Svendborg. Internally, we work with other departmental groups and cross-faculty groups such as CPOP, enabling a multidisciplinary approach to enhance our research. Further, our international collaborations allow us to confront climate change challenges and advance our understanding of ecological and evolutionary processes more broadly. Together, these relationships fortify our research and contribute to enhancing our understanding of ecological and evolutionary dynamics. NATURAMA welcomes projects that focus on disseminating research and scientific knowledge, offering a platform for, and studies on, outreach to the general public as well as the educational system. 
  • Our Commitment to Sustainable Development Goals: At the heart of our research group's endeavours is a strong alignment with key United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Our work in population biology and life history evolution, especially under the impact of climate change, contributes directly to SDG 13 (Climate Action) and SDG 15 (Life on Land) as we strive to understand and mitigate the effects of environmental changes on diverse ecosystems. For projects touching on aquatic and marine biology, we align with SDG 14 (Life Below Water), emphasising the conservation of these vital habitats. Through our educational initiatives and student-led research, we support SDG 4 (Quality Education), fostering an informed and engaged scientific community. Moreover, our collaborative efforts, both within the University of Southern Denmark and with global partners, reflect the spirit of SDG 17 (Partnerships for the Goals), showcasing our commitment to collaborative, interdisciplinary approaches in addressing the world's most pressing ecological challenges.