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Abstract Submission

Engineering Faculty SDU

Abstract submission

SCOM5 encourage submission of abstract for two presentation types:

  1. Contributed talks
  2. Posters

More information about abstract submission will follow by the end of 2024.

Participants are encouraged to submit abstract within (but not exclusively) the following topics:

• Exciton polaritons in organic molecules and 2D materials
• Polaritonic chemistry and physics
• Polariton condensation
• Polariton photochemistry and photophysics
• Plasmon—exciton polaritons, Mie—exciton polaritons, phonon polaritons, magnons
• Quantum optics and quantum information with polaritons
• Electron-beam spectroscopy studies of polaritonic states
• Molecular excitations and vibrations
• Polaritonic lasing



Last Updated 21.03.2024