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PEPS 2024

Discussing Physics of Excitons and Polaritons in Iceland

By Louise Skovborg Just, , 9/24/2024

From 6th to 10th of August, members of the POLIMA group attended the first international conference on Physics of Excitons and Polaritons in Semiconductors (PEPS) in Reykjavik, Iceland. PEPS is a new biennial conference series focused on quantum light-matter technologies and the optics of semiconductors. Kristín  Arnardottír presented her work on how non-Markovian vibrations influence ultra-long range energy transfer in organic molecules within optical microcavities with her poster “The Role of Vibrations in Polariton Mediated Energy Transfer Between Layers of Molecules”. Yonas Lebsir presented his recent progress with nanofabrication of 2d materials and strain engineering with his poster “Strain Engineering Valley Polarization in Monolayer Transition Metal Dichalcogenides”.

Yonas Lebsir  was financially supported by a travel grant from the Thomas B. Thriges Fund, which supports projects beneficial to Danish industry and advanced professional education.

Kristín Arnardottír
Kristín Björg Arnardóttir

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Yonas Lebsir

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Editing was completed: 24.09.2024