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Nordita Workshop

“Coherent Control with Modified Vacuum Fields” in August 2024

By Louise Skovborg Just, , 9/16/2024

The Nordic Institute of Theoretical Physics, or Nordita, hosts all manner of workshops touching on various aspects of physics. These meetings offer an avenue for deep discussions on specific topics.

This August,  a POLIMA researcher was invited to give a talk at the Nordita workshop “Coherent Control with Modified Vacuum Fields”. The workshop was focused on discussing recent results and the many open questions in the field of Polariton Chemistry. Kristín Björg Arnardóttir gave an invited talk on “Polariton mediated energy transfer through non-Markovian vibrations” where she discussed her ongoing project in trying to capture how the many vibrational degrees of freedom of organic molecules influence the experimentally observed ultra-long range energy transfer between such molecules enclosed in the same optical microcavity. She showed how the non-markovian regime of fairly strong coupling to the vibrational bath shows great enhancement of the transfer rate, but when this coupling gets too strong, the energy transfer is again slowed down. These results will help grow the understanding of underlying mechanisms of the variety of experiments on polariton mediated energy transfer. That greater understanding might in turn help gain insight into the not-well-understood mechanisms of polariton chemistry experiments, where enclosing molecules into an optical microcavity changes their chemical properties.

Kristín Björg Arnardóttir
Kristín Björg Arnardóttir

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Editing was completed: 16.09.2024