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N. Asger Mortensen plenary speaker at CMD31

N. Asger Mortensen opened Day 4 of CMD31 with the talk 'Mesoscopic electrodynamics, nonlocal response, and quantum corrections in surface-polariton systems'

By Louise Skovborg Just, , 9/6/2024

This week, N. Asger Mortensen, Christos Tserkezis and Line Jelver from POLIMA joined the  CMD31. CMD31 is a five-day international conference covering all aspects of Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Physics - attracting more than 1000 attendees.

The POLIMA team gave the following presentations:

  • Plenary speaker: N. Asger Mortensen: 'Mesoscopic electrodynamics, nonlocal response, and quantum corrections in surface-polariton systems'
  • Invited talk: Christos Tserkezis: 'Nonlocal plasmonics in light–matter interactions'
  • Invited talk: Line Jelver: 'Nonlinear plasmonics from ab-initio methods'
  • Oral presentation: Christos Tserkezis: 'Tunable exciton-polaritons in band gap engineered hexagonal boron nitride'

Joining the CMD31, was also a chance to meet up with POLIMA Adjunct Professor Nuno Peres.


Christos Tserkezis, André D. Gonçalves, N. Asger Mortensen, Nuno Peres, Line Jelver


Editing was completed: 06.09.2024