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The fifth edition of the conference Strong Coupling with Organic Molecules
Title: Generalized Lorentz Model and Quasinormal Mode Theory for Extreme Nanophotonics
Title: Polaritons: Half-light–half-matter quasiparticles
Title: Double Resonant Tunable Second Harmonic Generation in Two-dimensional Layered Materials through Band Nesting and Plasmonics in Periodic Arrays of Phosphorene Nanoribbons
Title: Phase-Locked Photon-Electron Interactions in Electron Microscopes
Title of thesis: Directing Nanoscale Light-Matter Interactions with Polaritons in Low-Dimensional Systems
Title: Collective optical response of periodic arrays of nanostructures
Presentations by Nuno Peres, André Chaves, Sanshui Xiao and Sergii Morozov
Title: Quantum Interactions between Free Electrons and Photonic Nanostructures
Title of thesis: Strong light-matter interactions in extreme plasmonic and Mie-resonant systems
TItle: Quantum nanophotonics: antibunched light and molecular entanglement