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IRS - Næstved, Slagelse, Ringsted Hospitals (NSR)

Research areas

IRS Næstved, Slagelse, and Ringsted Hospitals


IRS Næstved, Slagelse, and Ringsted Hospitals are a part of Region Zealand, with a strategic focus on research, knowledge sharing, and education.

A key body is the research council, which acts as an ambassador for research by developing research strategies and prioritising internal funds. The research strategy for NSR is based on continuous and mutually close collaboration with the clinics and involves research across all clinical departments.

In March 2023, NSR established a Research House in Slagelse, providing a venue for researchers and clinicians to exchange knowledge and create dynamic collaborative relationships.

A significant portion of the research at NSR is cross-sectoral and interdisciplinary, with major prestigious projects focusing on physical activity, multiple diseases, neurology, and endocrinology.

There is collaboration both internationally and nationally with organisations, hospitals, and universities. The multi-university affiliation, particularly with SDU and KU, but also with RUC and AU, ensures broad professional exchange.



The hospital management has decided to emphasise research and stimulate the development of the hospitals' research potential by establishing a research unit. This unit will facilitate connections between the hospital management, the research council, and researchers.

Research at IRS Næstved, Slagelse, and Ringsted Hospitals is conducted by staff from the hospitals in Næstved, Ringsted, and Slagelse. The research is anchored at the University of Southern Denmark through the Department of Regional Health Research and is carried out in accordance with strategies set by the Research Council at Næstved Hospital.

Overview of our publications

Our research strategy (in Danish)

Research areas at Næstved, Slagelse, Ringsted Hospitals

Last Updated 16.08.2024