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In the context of the Center for Functional Genomics and Tissue Plasticity (ATLAS), the Mandrup Group investigates the plasticity of adipose tissue in response to obesity and weight loss. We study how obesity leads to changes in the cellular composition of adipose tissues as well as in the molecular properties and crosstalk between individual cell types in these tissues. We are also interested in how these obesity-induced changes in adipose tissues affect human health, including what distinguishes ‘healthy’ adipose tissue, such as gluteal adipose tissue, from ‘unhealthy’ abdominal adipose tissue. Furthermore, we investigate the plasticity of the tissue in response to weight loss to uncover molecular mechanisms involved in weight-loss-induced remodeling and to determine the extent to which cellular and molecular signatures persist, thereby leaving a tissue ‘memory’ following weight loss.

Technologies: We have access to human biopsies from different cohorts, covering a wide range of BMI and health statuses. We apply sequencing- as well as bioimaging-based single cell technologies combined with a suite of additional functional genomics technologies and computational approaches. Selected mechanistic questions are subsequently addressed in cell culture and/or mouse models.


ATLAS workflow

This project is supported by grants from The Danish National Research Foundation, Sygeforsikringen "danmark", and The Novo Nordisk Foundation. 


People involved


Babukrishna Maniyadath


Raquel Saborano  

Raquel Saborano


Rasmus Rydbirk

Rasmus Rydbirk

Bioinformatics staff scientist

ATLAS PhD Fellow

Ellen Gammelmark

PhD student


Lukas mc Kenzie Oussoren

PhD student


Flora Berglund Fuglsang

MSc student

Alexander Hinz  

Alexander Hinz

Project student

Naja Reinholt  

Naja Reinholt

BSc student


Relevant publications 

B. Maniyadath, Q. Zhang , R. K. Gupta, S. Mandrup (2023) Adipose tssue at single-cell resolution. Cell Metab. 35(3):386-413. doi: 10.1016/j.cmet.2023.02.002.

E. L. Van Hauwaert, E. Gammelmark, A. K. Sávári, L. Larsen, R. Nielsen, J. G. S. Madesen, S. Mandrup (2021) Isolation of nuclei from mouse white adipose tissue for single-nucleus genomics. STAR Protoc. Jun 17;2(3):100612. doi: 10.1016/j.xpro.2021.100612.

A. K. Sávári, E. L. Van Hauwaert, L. K. Markussen, E. Gammelmark, A-B. Marcher, M. F. Ebbesen, R. Nielsen, J. R. Brewer, J. G. S. Madsen, S. Mandrup (2021) Plasticity of Edididymal Adipose Tissue in Response to Diet-Induced Obesity at Single-Nucleus Resolution. Cell Metab. 33, 437-453. 

A. Rauch, A.K. Haakonsson, J.G.S. Madsen, M. Larsen, I. Forss, M.R. Madsen, E.L. Van Hauwaert, C. Wiwie, N.Z. Jespersen, M. Tencerova, R. Nielsen, B.D. Larsen, R. Röttger, J. Baumbach, C. Scheele, M. Kassem, S. Mandrup (2019) Osteogenesis depends on commissioning of a network of stem cell transcription factors that act as repressors of adipogenesis. Nature Genetics 51, 716–727. 

J.G.S. Madsen*, A. Rauch*, E.L. Van Hauwaert, S.F. Schmidt, M. Winnefeld, S. Mandrup (2018) Integrated analysis of motif activity and gene expression changes of transcription factors. Genome Res. 28, 243-255.

Last Updated 27.07.2024