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Other publications from our group on related topics

  • Klamt A-M, Kragh T, Glud RN,  Wagner CM, Reitzel K, (2024) Presence of oxygen in diffusive equilibrium in thin films (DET) probes: Effect of phosphate and iron porewater profiles and advice for correct deoxygenation and handling procedures.  Limnol. Oceanogr.
  • Kindeberg T, Attard KM, Hüller J, Müller J, Quintana CO, Infantes E (2024) Structural complexexity and benthic metabolism: resolving the links between carbon cycling and biodiversity in restored seagrass meadows. Biogeosciences 21 1685-1705 
  • Hutchinson TF, Kessler AJ, Wong WW, Hall P, LeungPM, Jirapanfawat T, Greening C, Glud RN, Cook PLM (2024 ) Microorganisms oxidize glucose through distinct pathways in permeable and cohesive sediments. ISME jou. 
  • Attard K, Singh RK, Gattuso J-P, Filbee-Dexter K, Krause-Jensen D, Kühl M, Sejr MK, Archambault P, Babin M, Bélanger S, Berg P, Glud RN, Hancke K, Jänicke S, Qin J, Rysgaard S, Sørensen EB, Tachon F, Wenzhöfer F, Ardyna M (2024) Seafloor primary production in a changing Arctic Ocean. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 121:e2303366121
  • Nauer PA, Kessler AJ, Hall P, Popa ME, ten Hietbrink S, Hutchinson T, Wong WW, Attard KM, Glud RN, Greening C, Cook PLM (2023) Pulses of labile carbon cause transient decoupling of fermentation and respiration in permeable sediments. Limnol. Oceanogr.
  • Christian M, Hansen JLS, Carreiro-Silva M, Cunningham SA, de Froe E, Dominguez-Carrió C, Gary S, Glud RN, Göke C, Johnson C, Morato T, Møller EF, Rovelli L, Schulz K, Soetaert K, van der Kaaden A, van Oevelen D. (2023) Tidal to decadal scale hydrodynamics at two contrasting cold-water coral sites in the Northeast Atlantic. Prog. in  Oceanogr.
  • Franco-Cisterna B, Glud A, Bristow LA, Rudra A, Sanei H, Winding MHS, Nielsen TG, Glud RN, Stief P (2022) Sinking carcasses as hotspots of microbial carbon and nitrogen cycling in the Artic. Front. in Mar Sci
  • Shiono K, Koshide A, Kazunari I, Oguri K, Fukao T, Larsen M, Glud RN. (2022) Imaging the snorkel effect during submerged germination in rice: Oxygen supply via coleoptile triggers seminal root emergence underwater. Front. Plant Sci. 13:946776
  •  Berg P, Huettel M, Glud RN, Reimers CE, Attard KM. (2022) Aquatic eddy covariance: The method and its contributions to defining oxygen and carbon fluxes in marine environments.  Annual Reviews of marine Science 14:431-455
  • Rovelli L, Olde LA, Heppell CM, Binley A, Yvon-Durocher G, Glud RN, Trimmer M. (2022) Journ. of Geophysical research: Biogeoscience. 127 : issue 1 Contrasting biophysical controls on carbon dioxide and methane outgassing from streams.
  • Hernes PJ, Tank SE, Sejr MK, Glud RN (2021) Element cycling and aquatic function in a changing Arctic.  Limnol. Oceanogr. 66:1-16.
  • De Clippele LH, Rovelli L, Ramiro-Sánchez B, Kazanidis G, Vad j, Turner S, Glud RN, Roberts JM. (2021) Mapping cold-water coral biomass: An approach to derive ecosystem functions. Coral Reefs 40:215-231.
  • Camillini N, Attard KM, Eyre BD, Glud RN, (2021) Resolving community metabolism of eelgrass Zostera marina meadows by benthic flume-chambers and eddy covariance in dynamic coastal environments.  Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser.  661:97-114

Last Updated 07.08.2024