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Just now

2024 August

Kazu, Morten, Frank and Sebastian ready to  take the shinkansen. They will be going on a cruise on Umitaka Maru to retrieve a mooring system that has been collecting samples  and lots of different parameters -  for 1 ½ year in the Japanese Trench.

Very exiting - we wish them "good luck"!


2024 June

Follow HADAL members on cruise to the North Atlantic with German research vessel Polarstern

Follow the HADAL group onboard

News from Polarstern


Some of the HADAL people joining the cruise - just before heading up North!



2024 April

Open day at SDU - where Leah and Lisbeth introduced our HADAL Center and our work to the public.

open day 2024


2024 April

Retreat in Bremerhafen

Exiting talks and visit to AWI


2024 April

Read the article "Tryk på livet" publiced  as part of  Ocean Decade/Havets tiår 2021-2030, an Unesco initiative to focus on ocean research and sustainability.



2024 February

Professor Ronnie Glud gave  the Harald Sverdrup lecture at the AGU Ocean Science meeting 

link to the nomination


2023 October

Several members of the HADAL team participated in cruise with UMITAKA MARU to the Japan Trench and Sagami Bay



2023 October

Listen to podcast with Ronnie Glud:  "Den sidste hvide plet på vandkortet"

i podcastserien Grundtanker fra Videnskabernes Selskab



2023 June

Testing our new mini sediment lander  in Odense Harbor before cruise to the Japan Trench

link to small video -  from the Faculty of Science, SDU


2023 June

Quite a lot of  HADAL people participated in the ASLO - Aquatic sciences meeting 2023 in Mallorca



2023 April

Finally our mooring system was deployed in the Japan Trench - a few years delayed because of corona!

Want to see more pictures?  press here



2023 April

Leah and Lisbeth presented  our HADAL center at the open day at SDU.

Interesting day with lots of  people asking lots of questions!





2023 March

2nd price in the DGRF photo competition!!

Congratulation to Mathias Middelboe - who has taken the picture of a virus infected bacteria!

Read more about the picture and  Mathias' research here

See interview on twitter  here




2022 October + November

Cruise to South Sandwich Trench with R/V Polarstern  

- wawes up to 12 m and  extremely hard winds made this cruise a challenge! But we still managed - in the end to get some very interesting deep-sea sediment!



 2022 October

4   HADAL members joined the Umitaka Cruise  to the Japan Trench 

You can see pictures from the cruise here:

Umitaka Cruise 1

Umitaka Cruise 2

2022 August

2 members of the HADAL team joined the cruise with DSSV Pressure Drop to 11 deep trenches in the North Pacific Ocean 

Pressure Drop Pictures 1

Pressure Drop Pictures 2

Caladan  Oceanic


2022 July

Check  out what is happening on the Sonne Cruise to Aleutian Trench just now - where 3 HADAL people are participating:

AleutBio webpage

web blog

AleutBio Pictures 1  

Sonne leaving Dutch Harbor



2022 June

2 HADAL people(C Schauberger and JP Balmonte ) took part in cruise in the  North Atlantic with 

American research vessel R/V Endeavor



2022 June

Getting the mooring system for the Umitaka Cruise ready!



2022 April

Exiting  workshop in the HADAL group with colleagues from Austria



2022 March

 Visit from good colleagues from Bremen. Preparing landers for our next cruise to Aleutian Trench.

Thank you Axel and Volker - and Morten who took a small break from his maternity leave.




2021 September

Workshop in our hadal group



2021 September

Container sent to Japan for our cruise! Which has unfortunately now been cancelled due to covid



May 2022

Press release: Huge amounts of mercury found in the hadal trenches- 

follow this link:



April 2021

A few days  ago the "new"  gamma counter arrived from Japan.

The lead shield weighing close to 2 ton has found its place in the hadal room, and the detector is ready to start measuring.

We can now measure a number of radionucleotides, including 210Pb and 137Cs.

Thereby we can quantify the age of sediment deposited in the seabed.

gamma counter



March 2021

Welcome to  Kazumasa Oguri

Finaly, Kazumasa Oguri  succeeded coming to Denmark with his family.

He should have joined us already 1st of February - but bureaucracy and corona made things difficult!

But now Kazumasa has said good-bye to Japan, where he worked at Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology for many years, and we are looking forward to getting him onboard.

Kazumasa Oguri


January 2022

Just now we are in the process of establishing our new lander hall. Here we will store our equipment and prepare for cruises.

We are very exited to get going...



Last Updated 02.08.2024