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HADAL Publications 2021-2024

  • Brinch-Iversen L (2024) Exploring the hadal zone with a lab-on-chip sensors. Nature rev.  link
  • Rosas DER, Geraldi NR, Glud RN, Oguri K,  Haond SA, Duarte CM (2024) A sedimentary DNA record of the Atacama Trench reveals biodiversity changes in the most productive marine ecosystem  Global Change Biology 
  • Xiao W, Xu Y, Canfield DE , Wenzhöfer F, Zhang C, Glud RN. (2024)  Strong linkage between benthic oxygen uptake and bacterial tetraether lipids in deep-sea trench regions. Nat. Com.
  • This paper was chosen to be featured in a Nature Communications Editors’ Highlights webpage👍
  • Franco-Cisterna B, Stief P, Glud RN (2024) Hydrostatic pressure impedes the degradation of sinking copepod carcasses and fecal  pellets. Jour. of plankton research.
  • Cheung HLS, Hillma JR, Pilditch CA, Savage C, Santos IR,  Glud RN, Nascimento FJA, Thrush SF, Bonaglia S. (2024)  Denitrification, anammox, and DNRA in oligotrophic continental shelf sediments.  Limnol.  Oceanogr.
  • Trouche B, Schauberger C, Bouderka F, Auguet J-C, Belser C, Poulain J, Thamdrup B, Wincker P, Arnaud-Haond S, Glud RN, Maignien L (2024) Distribution and genomic variation of ammonia-oxidizing archaea in abyssal and hadal surface sediments. ISME com

  • Schauberger C, Thamdrup B, Lemonier C, Trouche B, Poulain J, Wincker P, Arnaud-Haond S, Glud RN, Maignien L (2024) Metagenome-assembled genomes of deep-sea sediments: changes in microbial functional potential las behind redox transitions. ISME com
  • Priede IG, Jamieson AJ, Bond T, Kitazato H (2024) In situ observation of a macrourid fish at 7259 m in the Japan Trench: swimbladder buoyancy at extreme depht. Jour Exp Biol
  • Stief P, Schauberger C, Becker KW, Elvert M, Balmonte JP, Franco-Cisterna B, Middelboe M, Glud RN (2023) Hydrostatic pressure induces transformations in the organic matter and microbial community composition of marine snow particles. Comm. earth & environm
  • Nauer PA,  Kessler AJ, Hall P, Popa ME, Hietbrink A, Hutchinson T, Wong WW, Attard KM, Glud RN, Greening C, Cook PLM (2023) Pulses of labile carbon cause transient decoupling of fermentation and respiration in permeable sediments.  Limnol.  Oceanogr.
  • Maciute A, Holovachov O, Glud RN, Broman E, Berg P, Nascimento FJA, Bonaglia S (2023) Reconciling the importance of meiofauna respiration for oxygen demand in muddy coastal sediments. Limnol.  Oceanogr.
  • Xiao W, Xu Y, Zhang C, Lin J, Wu W, Lü X, Tan J, Zheng F, Song X, Zhu Y, Yang Y, Zhang H, Wenzhöfer F, Rowden AA, Glud RN  (2023) Disentangling effects of sea surface temperature and water depht on hydroxylated isoprenoid GDGTs: Insight from the hadal zone and global sedimentsGeophy. res letters.
  • Zeng Z, Xiao W, Zheng F, Chen Y, Zhu Y, Tian J, Zhang C (2023) Enhanced production of highly methylated brGDGTs linked to anaerobic bacteria from sediments of the Mariana Trench. Frontiers in Marine Science
  • Jamieson AJ, Maroni PJ, Bond T, Niyazi Y, Kolbusz J, Arasu P, Kitazato H (2023) New maximum depth record for bony fish: Teleostei, Scorpaeniformes, Liparidae (8336 m, Izu-Ogasawara Trench). Deep-Sea Research Part I
  • Ueda H, Kitazato H, Jamieson A and Pressure Drop Ring of Fire Expedition 2022 Japan Cruise Leg2 science team (2023) The submarine fault scarp of the 2011 Tohoku-oki Earthquake in the Japan Trench. Communications Earth & Environment 4:476.
  • Trouche B, Schauberger C, Bouderka F, Auguet JC, Belser C, Poulain J, Thamdrup B, Wincker P, Arnaud-Haond S, Glud RN, Maignien L (2023) Distribution and genomic variation of ammonia-oxidizing archaea in abyssal and hadal surface sediments. ISME Communications 3:133.
  • Nakajima R, Ikuta T, Oguri K, Ritchie, H. (2023). Occurrence of polybrominated diphenyl ethers and benzotriazole UV stabilizers in the hadal amphipod Hirondellea gigas. iScience: 26(7), 107054.
  • Kawamura K, Oguri K, Inoue M, Hsiung KH, Kudaka T, Takai K (2023). Ongoing Persistent Slope Failures at the Toe of a Giant Submarine Slide in the Ryukyu Trench that Generated the AD 1771 Meiwa Tsunami. I: Alcántara-Ayala et al. (eds.), Progress in Landslide Research and Technology, Volume 1 Issue 2, 2022, Springer, Cham.
  • Schauberger C, Seki D, Cutts EM, Glud RN, Thamdrup B, (2023) Unknown selective pressures within redox zones drive gradual changes in microbial community composition in hadal sediments. Enviroment. Microbiol.
  • Mauritzen JJ, Søndberg E, Kalatzis PG, Roager L, Gram L, Svenningsen SL, Middelboe M (2023). Strain-specific quorum-sensing responses determine virulence in Vibrio anguillarum. Enviroment. Microbiol, 
  • Boldreel E, Attard KM, Hancke K, Glud RN. (2023) Microbial degradation dynamics of farmed kelp deposits from Saccharina latissima and Alaria esculenta. Mar Ecol Ser 709:1-15 .
  • Sobek A, Abel S, Sanei H, Bognalia S, Li Z, Horlitz G, Rudra A, Oguri K, Glud RN. (2023) Organic matter degradation causes enrichment of organic pollutants in hadal sediments. Nat. Com.
  • Mohn C, Hansen JLS, Carreiro-Silva M, Cunningham SA, de Froe E, Dominguez-Cario C, Gary S, Glud RN, Göke C, Johnson C, Morato T, Friss Møller E, Rovelli L,Schulz K, Soetaert L, van der Kaaden A, van Oevelen D (2023) Tidal to decadal scale hydrodynamics at two contrasting cols-water coral sites in the North east Atlantic. Prog. Oceanogr. 214:103031  , DOI: 10.1016/j.pocean.2023.103031 (06.23)
  • Li X, Zhao X, Dang H, Zhang C, Fernández-Urrzola I, Liu Z, Wenzhöfer F, Glud RN (2023) High variability in organic carbon sources and microbial activities in the hadopelagic waters. Limnol Oceanogr
  • Kalatzis PG, Mauritsen JJ, Winther-Have CS, Michniewski S, Millard A, Tsertou MI, Katharios P, Middelboe M. (2023)Staying below the radar: Unravelling a new family of ubiquitous "cryptic" non-tailed temperate vibriophages and implications for their bactrial hosts. International Jour. of mil. sci. 
  •  Franco-Cisterna B, Glud A, Bristow LA, Rudra A, Sanei H, Winding MHS, Nielsen TG, Glud RN, Stief P (2022) Sinking krill carcasses as hotspots of microbial carbon and nitrogen cycling in the Artic. Front. in Mar. Sci.
  • Oguri K, Masque P, Zabel M, Stewart HA, MacKinnon G, Rowden AA, Berg P, Wenzhöfer F, Glud RN. (2022) Sediment Accumulation and Carbon Burial in Four Hadal Trench Systems. J Geophys Res: Biogeosci
  • Wakita M, Watanabe S, YoshinoJ, Oguri K, Nomaki H, Kawagucci S, Ariyoshi K, Nagano A, Fujikura K. (2022) Deep-sea bottom-water environment change caused by sediment resuspension on the continental slope off Sanriku, Japan, before and after the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake. Prog. in Earth and Planetary Sci
  • Lingley TD, Gerringer ME, Ritchi H,  Weston J,  Murray AS, Fernandez V, Canto-Hernábdez J, Wenzhöfer F, Glud RN, Jamieson AJ (2022) Independent radiation of snailfishes into the hadal zone confirmed by Paraliparis selti sp. nov. (Perciformes: Liparidae) from the Atacama Trench, SE Pacific. Marine Biodiv. 
  • Zabel M, Glud RN, Sanei H, Elvert M, Pape T,  Chuang P-C, Okuma E, Geprägs P, Kölling M. (2022) High carbon mineralization rates in subseafloor hadal sediments - Results of frequent mass wasting.  Advan. Earth and Space sci.
  • Stief P, Schauberger C, Lund MB, Greve A, Abed RMM,Al-Najjar AA, Attard K, Bonalia S, Deutzmann J,Franco-Cisterna B, Garcia-Robledo, Moritz Holtappels, John U, Maciute A, Magee MJ, Pors R, Santl-Temkic T, Schwerwass A, Sevilgen DS, de Beer D, Glud RN, Schramm A, Kamp A. (2022) Intracellular nitrate storage by diatoms can be an important nitrogen pool in freshwater and marine ecosystems. Com. earth & environm.
  • Asch K, Kitazato H, Vallius H (2022) From continental slope. Mapping the oceanic realm: Introduction. Geological society, London, special pub. 505
  • Rovelli L, Carreiro-Silva M, Attard KM, Rakka M, Dominguez-Carrió C, Bilan M, Blackbird S, Morato T, Wolff GA, Glud RN (2022) Benthic O2 uptake by coral gardens at the Condor seamount  (Azores). Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 688: 19-31
  • Shimabukuro M, Zeppilli D, Leduc D, Wenzhöfer F, Berg P, Rowden AA, Glud RN. (2022) Intra- and inter-spatial variability of meiofauna in hadal trenches is linked to microbial activity and food availability. Sci. Reports. 14:4338
  • Berg P, Huettel M, Glud  RN, Reimers CE, Attard K. (2022) Aquatic Eddy Covariance: the method and its contribution to defining oxygen and carbon fluxes in marine environments. Ann Rev. Mar. Sci. 14:431-455
  • Zhang X, Xu Y, Xiao W, Zhao M, Wang X, Xu L, Luo M, Li X, Wang Y, Oguri K, Wenzhöfer F, Rowden AA, Mitra S, Glud RN. (2022)The hadal zone is an important and heterogeneous black carbon  in the ocean.  Comm. Earth & Envirom. 3:25
  • Purser A, Hehemann L, Boehringer L, Tippenhaus S, Wege M, Bornemann H, Pineda-Metz SEA, Flintrop CM, Koch F, Hellmer HH, Burkhart-Holm P, Janout  M, Werner E, Glemser B, Balaguer J, Rogge A, Holtappels M, Wenzhöfer F (2022) A vast icefish breeding colony discovered in the Antartic. Current  Biology. 
  • Traving SJ, Balmonte JP, Seale D, Arnosti C, Glud RN, HallamAJ, Middelboe M (2022) On single-cell  enzyme assays in marine microbial ecology and biogeochemestry. Front. in Mar. Sci.
  • Flores E, Cantarero SI, Ruiz-Fernández P,Dildar N, Zabel M, Ulloa O, Sepúlveda J. (2022) Bacterial and eukaryotic intact polar lipids point to in situ production as a key source of labile organic matter in hadal surface  sediment of the Atacama Trench. Biosci.
  • Schauberger C, Glud RN,  Hausmann B, Trouche B, Maignien L, Poulain J, Winker P, Arnaud-Haond S, Wenzhöfer F, Thamdrup B. (2021) Microbial community structure in hadal sediments: high similarity along trenches and strong changes along redox gradients. ISME Jour
  • Leduc D, Zhao ZQ, (2021) Litinium gludi sp. nov. (Nematode , Oxystominidae) from Kermadec Trench, Southwest Pacific Ocean. European Jour. of  Taxonomy. 748:138-154
  • Leduc D, Zhao ZQ. (2021) Molecular characterization of free-living nematodes from Kermadec Trench (Nematodea: Aegialoalaimidae, Xyalidae) with description of Aegialoalaimus tereticauda n. sp. Zootaxa 4949:341-352
  • Franco-Cisterna B, Stief P, Glud RN.. (2021) Temperature effects on carbon mineralization of sinking copepod carcasses. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser.
  • Thamdrup B, Schauberger C, Larsen M, Trouche B, Maignien L, Arnaud-Haond S, Wenzhöfer F, Glud RN. (2021) Anammox bacteria drive fixed nitrogen loss in hadal trench sediments.  PNAS.

  • Jamieson AJ, Lingley TL (2021) Hydrozoans, Scyphozoans, Larvaceans and Ctenophores observed in situ at hadal dephts. J. Plank Rese 42(1): 20-32.
  • Swan JA, Jamieson AJ, Lingley T, Yancey T, PY (2021) Worldwide distribution and depth limits of decapod crustaceans (Penaeoidea, Oplophoidea) across the abyssal -hadal transition zone of eleven subduction trenches and five additional deep-sea featuresJI Crust Biol. 41,1
  • Fernández-Urruzola I, Ulloa O, Glud RN, Pinkerton MH, Schneider W, Wenzhöfer F, Escribano R. (2021) Plankton respiration in the Atacama Trench region: Implications for particulate organic carbon flux into the hadal realm. Limnol. Geogr
  • Maciute A, Holovachov O, Berg P, Glud RN, Broman E, Nascimento FJA, Bognalia S. (2021) A microsensor-based method for measuring respiration of individual nematodes. Methods in Ecol and Evol.
  • Stief P, Elvert M, Glud RN. (2021) Respiration by "marine snow" at high hydrostatic pressure: Insight from continuous oxygen measurements in a rotating pressure tank. Limnol. Oceanogr
  • Weston JNJ, Espinosa-Leal L, Wainwright JA, Stewart EC, Gonzáles CE, Linley TD, Reid WDK, Hidalgo P, Oliva ME, Ulloa O, Wenzhöfer  F, Glud RN, Jamieson AJ. (2021) Eurythenes atacamensis sp. nov. (Crustacea: Amphipoda) exhibits ontogenetic vertical stratification across abyssal and hadal depths in the Atacama Trench, eastern  Pacific Ocean. Mar. biodiv. 
  • Sanei H, PM Outridge, K Oguri , GA Stern, B Thamdrup , F Wenzhöfer , F Wang ,  RN Glud. (2021) High mercury accumulation in deep ocean hadal sediments. Scient. Reports. 11:10970.
  • Xu Y,Luo M, Xiao W, Fang J, Rashid H, Peng Y, Li W, Wenzhöfer F, Rowden AA, Glud RN. (2021) Distribution, source and burial of sedimentary carbon in Kermadec and Atacama TrenchesJour. of  Geophysi. Res. Biogeosci.
  • Nakajima R, Tsuchiya M, Yabuki A, Masuda S, Kitahashi T, Nagano Y, Ikuta T, Isobe N, Nakata H, Ritchi H, Oguri K, Osafune S, Kawamura K, Suzukawa T, Yamauchi T, Iijima K, Yoshida T, Chiba S, Fujikura K. (2021) Massive occurrence of benthich plastic debris at the abyssal seafloor beneath the Kuroshia Extension, the North West Pacific. ScienceDirect.
  • Schauberger C, Middelboe M, Larsen M, Peoples L, Bartlett DH, Kirpekar F, Rowden AA, Wenzhoefer F, Thamdrup B, Glud RN (2021) Spatial variability of procaryotic and viral abundance in the Kermadec and Atacama Trench regions. Limnol. Oceanogr. 66,2095-2109
  • Fujiwara Y, Kawato M, Poulsen JY, Ida H, Chikaraisho Y, Ohkouchi N, Oguri K, Gotoh S, Ozawa G, Tanaka S, Miya M, Sado T, Kimoto K, Toyofuku T, Tsuchida S, (2021). Discovery of a colossal slickhead (Alepocephaliformes: Alepocephalidae): an active-swimming top predator in the deep waters of Suruga Bay, Japan. Nature Sci. Reports. 11,2490. 
  • Zhao X, Chen H, Li W, Xu Y. (2021) Temporal and spatial distribution of particulate organic carbon and microbial community respiration of Atacama Trench surface water , Chile. Oceanol. et  Limnol. Sinica. 52(3) 648-656. (in Chinese, cover article)
  • Xiang Y, Wang Y, Xiao W, Xu Y. (2021) Comparison of fatty acids in sediment from hadal and non-hadal sites of the Atacama Trench. Oceanol. et  Limnol. Sinica. 52(3):635-647 (in Chinese with English abstract)
  • Jamieson AJ, Lingley TD, Eigler SJ, Macdonald T. (2021) A global assessment of fishes at lower abyssal and upper hadal dephts (5000-8000m) Deep-Sea  Res. Part 1 178: 103642
  • Leduc D (2021) New free-living nematode  species and records (Chromadorea: Plectida and Desmodorida) ffrom the edge  and  axis of Kermadec Trench, Southwest Pacific Ocean. Peer J: 12037
  • Yilun C, Luo M, Chen D. (2021) Geochemical characteristics of detrital sediments in the Atacama Trench: Insight into the sediment provenance. Geoch. (in Chinese with English abstract)

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Danish Center for Hadal Research Department of Biology University of Southern Denmark

  • Campusvej 55
  • Odense M - DK-5230
  • Phone: +45 6550 2732

Last Updated 11.09.2024